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Company Story
At MYINNERGO, we believe that the secrets to your health and fitness are coded within your DNA. Our state-of-the-art genetic testing laboratory in Tallinn, Estonia, is dedicated to uncovering these secrets and empowering you with personalized insights that can transform your life.
Our journey began with a vision to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and everyday wellness. We understand that each individual is unique, and so are their health and fitness needs. That's why we offer a range of genetic tests tailored to different aspects of your well-being—from metabolism and nutrient absorption to athletic performance and injury prevention.
Our process is simple and accessible. It starts with you choosing the test that best suits your goals, whether it's the FiguraGen Weight genetic test to understand your body's approach to weight management, or the FiguraGen Sports genetic test to optimize your athletic performance. Once you receive your test kit, you'll register your personal code on our website, collect your DNA sample with ease, and send it back to us. Within 2-8 weeks, our expert team will analyze your sample and provide you with a comprehensive report that reveals your genetic predispositions.
Our tests are more than just reports—they are a roadmap to a healthier, fitter you. With insights on how your body processes macronutrients, your risk for lactose intolerance or celiac disease, and how you can tailor your diet and exercise to your genetic makeup, you're equipped to make informed decisions about your lifestyle.
Partner with us on your journey to optimal health. Discover how your genetics can influence your weight management with the FiguraGen Weight test, or how to enhance your fitness regimen with the FiguraGen Fit & Healthy test. For those with a competitive edge, our FiguraGen Sports test will reveal how to leverage your DNA for peak athletic performance.
Join the ranks of individuals who have chosen to take control of their health with MYINNERGO. It's time to unlock the power of your genetics and pave the way for a life of vitality and well-being.
For more information, or to select the genetic test that's right for you, visit our website or contact us at +372 600 0199 or Your journey to personalized health starts here.
Opinions of the company's customers
Paljusid asjaolusid/fakte, mis minu Weight Health geenitestis välja toodi, kogen reaalselt ka ise igapäeva elus. Tavaelu kinnitab seda, mis geenitestis avaldus. Nt aeglane kofeiini ainevahetus- nii ongi. Kõige hiljem saan enda erksamana hoidmiseks kohvi juua kella 15-16 paiku, sest hiljem tekivad uinumisega raskused. Test kinnitas, et minul laktoosi seedimisega probleeme pole. Olen suur kõikvõimalike piimatoodete austaja. Ja oleksin väga üllatunud olnud, kui vastupidine tulemus oleks selgunud.
Oli meeldiv rohkem teada saada enda võimekuse kohta. Olen liikunud täitsa õigel teel, vaja natuke kõike korrigeerida. Toitumise suhtes oli hea tõdeda, mida peaks muutma. Pole enam nii väsinud ning liigsetest kilodest olen ka lahti saanud.
Leian, et tippspordis mõjutab iga väikegi asi sooritust ning suudan geenitestist saadud info enda kasuks pöörata.
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