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competence models, adult training, teadlik koolitus, Kompetentsimudel, Kompetentsimudeli koostamine, koolitused, employee training programs, professional development courses, competence model creation, competency-based training

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At JON CAROLUS OÜ, we believe that the core of professional development lies in targeted, competence-based training. Our mission is to equip individuals and organizations with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today's dynamic work environment. We specialize in crafting competence models and delivering adult training programs that are not just educational, but transformative.

Our approach to learning is rooted in the concept of mindful training (teadlik koolitus in Estonian), where we integrate the principles of mindfulness to enhance the learning experience. This method fosters an alert and active state of mind, enabling learners to absorb and apply new knowledge effectively.

Creating a competence model (kompetentsimudel) is the first step towards ensuring that every role within an organization is filled by a person whose skills and attributes perfectly align with the job's requirements. Our expertise in competence model development (kompetentsimudeli koostamine) allows us to provide tailored solutions that support recruitment, training, job evaluation, and employee development.

Our training programs are designed to be outcome-focused, ensuring that the investment in professional development yields measurable results. We are committed to not only delivering exceptional trainings (koolitused) but also to improving their effectiveness continuously.

Join us on a journey of growth and empowerment. Discover how our expertise in adult training and competence models can transform your organization's learning culture and drive success.

Learn more about our training solutions and take the first step towards unlocking your team's potential.


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- Mailis N.

Olin enne kokku puutunud kompetentsimudelitega pigem kasutaja vaatepunktist (juhid, personalijuhid) ja osalenud osaliselt nende välja töötamise protsessis. Kõigil juhtudel oli protsess pikk, aga väga väga erinev. Rita koolitusel pöörati väga palju tähelepanu pisiasjadele, mis võivad konkreetse ameti juures rolli mängida.

Maximizing roi in training: the competency-based way

Competency-based training (CBT) is an approach that focuses on equipping employees with specific skills and knowledge they need to perform their job roles effectively. Unlike traditional training methods that are time-based and often generic, CBT is personalized, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and ensuring that they master the necessary competencies before moving on. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the limitations of one-size-fits-all training programs. The shift towards competency-based training is driven by the need for more targeted, job-specific learning that


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The future of adult training: a conscious approach

In the rapidly evolving workplace, traditional training methods are becoming obsolete. The future of adult training lies in a conscious approach that recognizes
In the rapidly evolving workplace, traditional training methods are becoming obsolete. The future of adult training lies in a conscious approach that recognizes the unique needs of adult learners and the dynamic nature of modern work environments. This shift in training paradigms is driven by technological advancements, changing job roles, and the need for a more skilled workforce. Today's workforce demands a training approach that is not only skill-based but also conscious of individual learning styles, career aspirations, and personal development. A conscious training approach is holistic,

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