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Ettevōtte juhtkond, meeskond ja kontaktid
MARKETSHOP OÜ hetkeolukord
Juba 133,680 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 2 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 5.0 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.
's activity report 2022
OÜ E-Antiikki online, a company that has been firmly established since the 30th of August, 2016, is a remarkable entity in the world of antiques and vintage items. With its primary focus on the sale of antique items and vintage goods, it has carved a niche for itself in the market, becoming a go-to destination for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
The company's inception dates back to the summer of 2016, precisely on the 30th of August. Since then, it has been on a steady growth trajectory, expanding its reach and influence in the antique and vintage market. The company's commitment to providing high-quality, authentic antique items has been a significant factor in its success and growth over the years.
OÜ E-Antiikki online's business model revolves around the sale of antique items and vintage goods. This includes a wide range of products, from antique furniture and artworks to vintage clothing and accessories. The company prides itself on its extensive collection, which is carefully curated to ensure that each item is of the highest quality and authenticity. This dedication to quality and authenticity has helped the company build a strong reputation in the market, attracting a loyal customer base that appreciates the value and uniqueness of antique and vintage items.
The company is managed by a one-member board of directors. This streamlined management structure allows for quick decision-making and efficient operations, ensuring that the company can respond swiftly to market trends and customer needs. Despite its small size, the board of directors is highly experienced and knowledgeable in the field of antiques and vintage goods, bringing a wealth of expertise to the company's operations.
In conclusion, OÜ E-Antiikki online is a notable player in the antique and vintage market. With its focus on quality and authenticity, along with its efficient management structure, the company has been able to establish a strong presence in the market since its establishment in 2016. Whether you're a collector, an enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty and history of antique and vintage items, OÜ E-Antiikki online is a destination worth exploring.
Ettevõtte klientide arvamused
Teie antiikmööbli e-pood on tõeline aarete leidmise koht. Ma leidsin sealt täpselt sobiva söögilaua, mis muutis minu kodu interjööri elegantsemaks ja ajaloolisemaks. Kvaliteet ja hind olid samuti suurepärased. Tänan!
Olen juba aastaid teie püsiklient ning olen alati rahule jäänud. Teie valik antiikmööblit on lai ja mitmekesine ning kvaliteet alati esmaklassiline. Ma armastan seda, kuidas mu kodu on tänu teie mööblile muutunud ainulaadseks ja ajalooliseks paigaks.
Teie antiikmööbli e-pood on minu lemmik koht kodu sisustamiseks. Teie kodulehekülg on kasutajasõbralik ja tooted on hästi esitletud. Kui ma soovisin lisateavet mõne mööblieseme kohta, oli teie klienditeenindus alati abivalmis ja informatiivne. Suurepärane kogemus!
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