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Company Story

At the heart of our bustling cities and picturesque countryside, there exists a delicate balance between human habitats and the wild. As we expand our territories, the encounters with our untamed neighbors become more frequent, and sometimes, they need our help. This is where our story begins, with a mission to provide compassionate and professional assistance to wild animals and birds in distress.

Our team of dedicated wildlife specialists at JÄÄGRIABI OÜ is committed to rescuing, transporting, and humanely treating wild animals that find themselves in precarious situations. Whether it's a family of rodents that has made their way into a suburban backyard, a majestic bird that has lost its way into a city shop, or a beaver dam that needs careful dismantling, we are the hands-on force that ensures these creatures receive the care and respect they deserve.

Our services are diverse and tailored to the unique challenges of urban wildlife management. We specialize in emergency animal services, including the safe capture and release of rodents and small mammals, removal of roadkill, and population control of foxes and raccoons to protect local bird populations. When spring arrives, we're there to manage potential issues with bird nests, and when an animal is injured, we provide initial care and transportation for their recovery.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of wildlife behavior, our team operates with efficiency and empathy. Our approach is always humane, from the sedation of wild animals to the demolition of bird nests that pose risks to both humans and animals. We are proud to share our journey through the stories of the lives we've touched and the environments we've helped preserve.

Our slogan, 'Harmony in Action!', encapsulates our philosophy. We strive to create a world where humans and wildlife can coexist peacefully, and every action we take is a step towards that harmony. Join us in our mission to protect and respect our wild neighbors, ensuring that every creature, great or small, receives the help they need when they need it most.

For assistance, guidance, or to learn more about our services, please contact us at +372 502 1145. Together, we can make a difference for the wildlife that enriches our world.


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- Mari K.

Olen väga rahul teenuse kvaliteediga. Kiire reageerimine ja efektiivne probleemide lahendamine.

- Krtisti V.

Väga abivalmid ja oskuslikud.

- Karl K.

Jäägriabi OÜ tegi oma tööd kiiresti ja hoolikalt. Soovitan soojalt!

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