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Rental of containers, excavators, Loaders, Thighlifts, trailers and commercial trailers, transport service, tipper transport, sieves, Peat, Sand


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ARULA VEOD OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 117,225 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 12 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.6 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 21 korda.

's activity report 2022

Arula Veod OÜ, a company that has made a significant mark in the field of goods transportation and relocation services, was established on the 27th of February, 2017. The company's primary area of operation involves the use of specially equipped lifting machinery for the transportation and relocation of goods. Despite its relatively recent establishment, Arula Veod OÜ has a rich history and a well-established customer base, inherited from Arula Arenduse OÜ, a company whose operations began as early as 2001. The transformation of Arula Arenduse OÜ's operations necessitated the transfer of transportation and lifting services to another company, leading to the creation of Arula Veod OÜ. This strategic move allowed for a more focused approach to the specific needs of the transportation and lifting services sector. Arula Veod OÜ has shown impressive financial performance since its inception. The company's sales revenue for the reporting year stood at a robust 1,488,817 euros, marking a 12% increase compared to the previous year. The balance sheet total was 507,091 euros, and the year ended with a profit of 110,879 euros. This positive financial performance is a testament to the company's strong business model and effective management strategies. Looking ahead, Arula Veod OÜ aims to continue its operations in the same field in 2023. The company is committed to maintaining its high standards of service and further expanding its customer base. In terms of human resources, the company had an average of 9 employees in 2022. The total labor costs, including social security contributions, amounted to 249,623 euros. Interestingly, no remuneration was paid to the board or control body members, indicating a strong commitment to reinvesting profits back into the company's operations. In conclusion, Arula Veod OÜ is a dynamic and forward-looking company with a strong track record in the transportation and lifting services sector. Its impressive financial performance, coupled with its commitment to service excellence and strategic growth, positions it well for continued success in the future.

ARULA VEOD OÜ kontaktid

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Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Silver Karming

Arula Veod OÜ on olnud meile suurepärane partner nii transpordi kui ka tõstetööde osas. Meie jaoks on mugav ja kiire lahendus tellida materjalid objektile ühe autoga, mis suudab teostada ka vajalikud tõsted. Selliselt oleme kokku hoidnud palju ajakulu ja saanud keskenduda enda põhitegevustele.

Eriliselt sooviksime ära mainida alati rõõmsaid, abivalmeid ning kaasamõtlemisvõimelisi autojuhte ja super logistikut.


- Robert Aas

Arula Veod OÜ on parim tõstukauto ettevõte Eestis. Nendel on lühikesed järjekorrad, meeldiv teenindus ja tipptasemel autojuhid. Helistan alati nendele, kui veo- ja tõsteteenust vajame.


- Caspar Metusala

Koostöö Arula Veod OÜ-ga on sujunud väga hästi. Suureks plussiks on see, et saan transpordi hinnapäringule vastuse mõne minutiga. Paljudest ettevõtetest ootan seda vahest 2-3 päeva. Kuna tegeleme katusefermidega, siis on transpordi hind meie jaoks tähtis ning see on alati konkurentsivõimeline.

Autojuhid on sõbralikud ja igati abivalmid, töö kiire ja korralik. Kindlasti jätkame koostööd ka edaspidi.



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EE- Eesti


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