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Our company story
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Company Story
For over a decade, Chandelier Group OÜ has been the heartbeat of extraordinary events. Our passion for event organization has not only given us the expertise to know the best party venues, but also the secret recipe to create the most memorable experiences with the finest bands, DJs, and hosts.
At Chandelier Group OÜ, we believe in the golden words of Richard Branson: 'Your employees come first.' It is with this philosophy that we design corporate events to foster team spirit, reduce stress, and improve communication within the workplace. Our events are a sanctuary where colleagues can connect, recharge, and feel valued.
Life's milestones, such as weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries, are too precious to pass by unnoticed. We take pride in managing every detail of your private events so that you can immerse yourself in the joy of the occasion. Together, we will turn your dream event into a reality.
Our summer days events are strategically crafted to strengthen team bonds and enhance interpersonal relations at work. These shared activities create lasting memories that boost satisfaction and motivation, ultimately leading to increased productivity and creativity.
When the festive season arrives, Chandelier Group OÜ is at the forefront of organizing Christmas parties tailored to your company's unique needs. From conceptualization to execution, we handle venue selection, thematic decorations, entertainment, and catering, ensuring a seamless and festive celebration.
Whether it's a jubilee, a seminar, a conference, or any other special occasion, we are dedicated to delivering excellence. Our portfolio of past events stands as a testament to our commitment to creating unforgettable experiences.
Discover the magic of events with Chandelier Group OÜ, where every event is more than just a gathering – it's a bespoke experience designed to leave a lasting impression.
Company customer opinions
Gerliga oli väga hea koostööd teha, tal oli alati aega vastata ja kaasa mõelda. Ta sai kliendi soovidest ja ootustest väga kiiresti aru ja pakkus mitmeid sobilikke lahendusi. Kogu meie seltskond jäi peoga väga rahule 😊 Meil oli ääretult maitsev toit restoranis Platz, super bänd Dreamers, väga tore fotograaf Jane Faizullin. Lisaks küttis kirgi ka lauajalgpall 😃
Koostöös sujus algusest peale äärmiselt sujuvalt, kordagi ei tekkinud tunnet, et midagi on pooleli või jäänud arusaamatuks. Väga professionaalne ja toetav tugi peo korraldamisel. Kindlasti palume Gerli abi peo korraldamiseks ka tulevikus! Stora Enso meeskonnalt: „Parim jõulupidu, mis meil kunagi olnud on.
Suur Aitäh (kohe suurte algustähtedega), et suutsite niivõrd lühikese etteteatamisajaga ja suurele rahvamassile edukalt suvepäevad korraldada. Ideaalsed valikud alates peokohast koos võrratu ilmaga, kuni suurepärase rahvusvahelise bändini, mida kiideti taevani:)
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