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We specialize in designing and implementing weak flow projects, electrical installations, solar energy systems, and providing expert electricity consultations.

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Company Story

At ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS OÜ, we believe in a future where every home and business is empowered by smart, sustainable, and seamless electrical solutions. Our journey began with a commitment to excellence in designing and implementing weak flow projects, electrical installations, solar energy systems, and providing top-tier electricity consultations. We are not just a company; we are the architects of an electrified tomorrow.

Our mission is to innovate and integrate systems that enhance comfort and elevate the quality of life. From the intricate planning of nõrkvoolu projects to the meticulous execution of electrical and weak current works, we ensure every detail is tailored to meet our clients' visions. Our expertise extends to the realm of renewable energy, where we harness the power of the sun with cutting-edge solar and grid energy solutions, making clean energy accessible and affordable.

Our services are a testament to our slogan, 'Energizing Your World, Sustainably!' We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including fire alarm systems, security and access systems, data and telephone networks, sound systems, call systems, perimeter security systems, and video surveillance systems. Our electrical projects go beyond the walls of your home, encompassing outdoor areas and auxiliary buildings, ensuring every corner is lit with efficiency and elegance.

Investing in our solar energy systems is not just a step towards sustainability; it's a leap towards long-term savings and increased property value. We calculate the productivity of solar power stations and provide tailored solutions for rooftop or ground installations, promising a future where your investment yields clean energy and cost savings.

Our dedication to our craft is matched only by our commitment to our clients. We invite you to request a quote and join us in the movement towards a brighter, greener, and more efficient world. Let ELECTRICAL SOLUTIONS OÜ be your partner in energizing your world, one project at a time.


What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Mark K.

Suurepärane teenindus ja kiire lahendus!

- Laura P.

Kvaliteetne töö ja sõbralik suhtumine.

- Martin S.

Usaldusväärsed ja professionaalsed. Soovitan kindlasti!

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