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At Comfy Events OÜ, we believe that every celebration should be as unique and memorable as the stars in the night sky. That's why we specialize in providing distinctive sailcloth tents that transform any event into an enchanting experience. Whether you're planning the wedding of your dreams, a milestone birthday, or an impressive company party, our tents are designed to create an atmosphere of spacious elegance and natural beauty.

Our purjetelk, or sailcloth tent, is a marvel of design and functionality. Unlike any other tent available in Estonia and neighboring countries, it stands out with its unique structure and aesthetic appeal. The benefits of choosing our tents include:

  • More Space: We solve the problem of limited space at tourist farms, holiday homes, or manors, ensuring all your guests have room to celebrate comfortably.
  • Fresh Air: With ample space, natural light, and fresh air, our tents provide a pleasant and cozy environment, even in rainy weather.
  • Versatile Layouts: Our tents are perfect for hosting conferences, wedding ceremonies, cocktail parties, and formal dinners.
  • Height Advantage: With a ceiling height of up to 6 meters, our tents create a spacious and open atmosphere.
  • Size Options: Tents range from a minimum size of 10x10 meters with a 67m2 area to a maximum size of 34x10 meters, covering up to 300m2.
  • Light-Filled: The sailcloth allows sunlight to filter through during the day and creates a romantic ambiance with light decorations in the evening.

When you choose Comfy Events OÜ for your event, you're not just renting a tent; you're creating a backdrop for life's most precious moments. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your event will be talked about for years to come.

Ready to celebrate under the stars? Reach out to us, and let's find the perfect solution for your event:

Call: +372 526 4312
Follow: @purjetelk

Join the myriad of satisfied clients who have chosen Comfy Events OÜ for their special occasions. Let's make your event not just a day, but a story to be told and retold.


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Opinions of the company's customers

- Marta A.

Ainulaadne ja elegantne lahendus meie pulma jaoks!

- Karl P.

“Tagasi mõeldes pulmapeo peale ei kujutaks ma ette teistsugust lahendust kui tookord tehtud sai. Kõik, kes vähegi üritusega kokku puutusid eeldasid tavalist “laadatelki”, mistõttu oli antud lahendus midagi enneolematut ja vaimustus püsib veel pikalt pärast pidu. Ühes hästi sobitatud peoinventari ja valgustusega tekkis peopaigast eriline kooslus mis ei jätnud külmaks mitte ühtegi peolist.”

- Priit T.

Suur tänu unustamatu õhtu eest!

Creating the perfect atmosphere with tent lighting

Lighting is not just a practical necessity; it's a pivotal element that can transform any event space. It sets the mood, directs attention, and can make or break the ambiance of an event. For tent events, where the canvas is literally blank, lighting becomes the brush that paints the evening's atmosphere. Tent events offer a unique blend of the outdoors and the comfort of an indoor space. The right lighting can accentuate this blend, creating an inviting atmosphere that complements the natural surroundings. Types of Tent Lighting String lights, or fairy lights, add a whimsical touch to any


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Maximizing space: the magic of sailcloth tents

Sailcloth tents are innovative structures designed for outdoor events that combine elegance with practicality. Made from a translucent sailcloth material, these
Sailcloth tents are innovative structures designed for outdoor events that combine elegance with practicality. Made from a translucent sailcloth material, these tents boast a natural, graceful appearance that enhances any occasion. Their sweeping canopies and wooden poles create a striking silhouette against the sky, making them a popular choice for those seeking a blend of traditional charm and modern sophistication. The allure of sailcloth tents lies in their ability to harmonize with the surrounding environment. The translucent fabric allows for a soft, diffused light to permeate the

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