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's activity report 2022

OÜ Buildiko, a company that has been making waves in the construction industry, began its operations in November 2018. The company, based in the Republic of Estonia, specializes in construction, general construction work, and major renovation projects. It operates under the EMTAK numbers 41201, a classification that further emphasizes its core competencies in the construction sector.

As of December 31, 2022, OÜ Buildiko was led by a single board member. This streamlined leadership structure allows for efficient decision-making processes, ensuring that the company can quickly adapt to the ever-changing demands of the construction industry.

During the financial period, OÜ Buildiko maintained an average workforce of 9 employees. These dedicated professionals were compensated with a total salary sum of 162,782 euros, reflecting the company's commitment to providing competitive remuneration packages to its employees. This not only helps in attracting top talent in the industry but also in retaining them, thereby ensuring the consistent delivery of high-quality services.

In 2022, OÜ Buildiko reported a net turnover of 437,055 EUR. Impressively, 100% of this turnover was generated within the Republic of Estonia. This demonstrates the company's strong foothold in the local market and its ability to leverage its deep understanding of the local construction landscape to drive its financial performance.

Looking ahead, OÜ Buildiko's primary objective for the next financial year is to maintain and secure its market position through the provision of high-quality construction services. The company is committed to upholding the highest standards of construction, ensuring that each project is completed to the satisfaction of its clients. By doing so, OÜ Buildiko aims to further solidify its reputation as a reliable and trusted provider of construction services in the Republic of Estonia.

BUILDIKO OÜ contacts

What do customers think?

Opinions of the company's customers

- Marko T.

Nad tegid meie sisetööd ja tulemus oli suurepärane. Vaheseinad paigaldati hoolikalt ja täpselt ning maalritööd olid professionaalsed

- Laura R.

Välitööde käigus vahetati meie laudis ja soojustati vundament ning tulemus oli suurepärane. Töötajad olid professionaalsed ja töö tehti kiiresti ning kvaliteetselt

- Sander F.

Katuse soojustamine ja plakk-katuse paigaldus tehti hoolikalt ning töötajad olid asjatundlikud. Olen nende katusetööde teenusega väga rahul.


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