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mobile animal farm attractions, farmyard photo shoots, animals at the fair and festival, birthdays with animals, pet days, farmyard education program, pai-laut of domestic animals, farm courtyard on wheels, mobile domestic animal encounters, domestic animals

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Welcome to a unique experience where the tranquility of the countryside meets the convenience of the city. Our mission is to bring you closer to nature and provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Imagine stepping out of your front door and being greeted by the gentle sounds of domestic animals and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from our home cafe, all on wheels!

At TALUÕU RATASTEL OÜ, we believe in creating an enchanting experience that can be shared by all ages. Our mobile farmyard is a sanctuary for a variety of domestic animals that have been carefully selected to bring joy and peace to your neighborhood. Each visit promises a new adventure as you interact with our friendly animals and learn about the simplicity of farm life.

Our cozy home cafe complements the farmyard experience by offering a selection of homemade treats and beverages that you can enjoy amidst the natural surroundings. Whether you're looking for a quiet place to relax or an educational outing with the family, our farmyard on wheels is the perfect retreat.

Embrace the essence of nature with our slogan, 'Nature's Retreat, On Your Street!' We're not just a service; we're a movement to reconnect with the environment and indulge in the simple pleasures of life. Join us on this journey and let the wonders of the farmyard rejuvenate your spirit.

For those who cherish the pastoral lifestyle and the warmth of a community cafe, look no further. Our doors are always open, and our wheels are always turning, ready to bring the heart of the countryside to you. Experience the joy of nature with TALUÕU RATASTEL OÜ – where every visit is more than just a moment, it's a cherished memory in the making.


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Opinions of the company's customers

- Cätlin R.

Pererahvas tuli meie soovile vastu ja võtsid meid lahkelt hooajavǎlisel ajal vastu. Meil oli nii tore lammaste, kitsede, jäneste ja noore pulliga kohtuda. Oleme väga rõõmsad ja tänulikud!

- Liisa P.

Kindlasti soovitan käia! Saab näha taluloomi lähedalt ja pai teha. Põnev nii täiskasvanutel kui lastel, hiilgama sõbralik pererahvas, kellel on varuks põnevaid lugusid loomadest. Saime ka imemaitsvaid kaneelisaiu, mis sulasid suus.

- Maria M.

Armas pererahvas ja väga-väga sõbralikud loomad

Home cafe delights: savor the taste of the countryside

Imagine a place where the aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air, where the coffee is rich and the pastries are made with love. This is the essence of countryside cuisine, a wholesome and heartwarming experience that brings the simplicity and charm of rural life into our fast-paced urban existence. Rural cuisine is about more than just food; it's about tradition, community, and a connection to the land. It's about the flavors that are born from the soil and the hands that cultivate them. It's about the stories that each dish carries and the memories they evoke. The farm-to-table movement


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