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MOE MÕIS MTÜ hetkeolukord
Already 35,376 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 63 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 5.0 points ja kommenteeritud 1 kord.
's activity report 2022
MTÜ Moe Manor was established with the aim of preserving and collecting the 500-year history of Estonian spirits and vodka production. MTÜ manages the Moe Spirits Museum and organizes tours there. In addition, MTÜ is implementing a unique project in the Estonian context, the Estonian Alcohol and Soft Drink Industry Theme Park, which runs along a 500-year timeline. It is planned to develop as diverse a range of different tourism products and services as possible. The establishment of the theme park is supported by EAS.
In 2022, construction of the hotel began.
MTÜ finances its activities by selling museum tickets, organizing marketing events, and running a shop and bar in Moe.
In 2022, the company's wage costs were 25068 euros (2021: 35933). No remuneration was paid to the board.
MTÜ Moe Manor is still an operating company.
MOE MÕIS MTÜ contacts
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Ekskursioonil sain palju teadmisi piiritusetööstusest ja Eesti ajaloost.
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