LTT AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 7,744 peopleand his is followed by 111 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.4 points.and commented 15 times.
's activity report 2022
In 2022, the main activity of AS LTT was the wholesale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and foodstuffs. The company is focused on the Estonian market, the importance of exports is insignificant. The net turnover (unconsolidated) of AS LTT in 2022 was 9822206 euros.
AS LTT operated as a tenant in the real estate complex located at Peterburi tee 63, Tallinn.
The salaries of the board and council of AS LTT (a total of 5 people) in 2021 were a total of 80453 euros. The salary of the chairman of the board was 10124 euros. The average number of employees (including the board, council, and managing director) was 37 people and the total amount of employee salaries (including the board and council) was 786186 euros. No stock options or early release compensation are provided for board and council members. The board consists of two and the council of three members.
AS LTT still owns 100% of AS Galvi-Linda shares. The 2022 report of AS LTT is consolidated with the joint-stock company "Galvi-Linda". The joint-stock company "Galvi-Linda" is located in Viljandi and specializes in the manufacture of specialized textile products.
AS LTT still owns 100% of OÜ GL Varahaldur shares. OÜ GL Varahaldur did not make any transactions in 2022. The 2022 report of AS LTT is consolidated with the limited liability company "GL Varahaldur".
AS LTT owns 20.2% of OÜ Tootjavastutusorganisatsioon shares. OÜ Tootjavastutusorganisatsioon deals with packaging handling.
AS LTT owns 45% of OÜ Siris shares. OÜ Siris deals with advertising and outdoor media sales.
AS LTT did not make any research or development expenditures in 2022 and does not plan to do so in 2023 either.
The market situation is stable. No major changes in turnover or financial results are expected for 2023 for the joint-stock company "LTT", the joint-stock company "Galvi-Linda" or the limited liability company "GL Varahaldur".
Financial ratios 2022, consolidated with the joint-stock company "Galvi-Linda" and the limited liability company "GL Varahaldur":
Turnover growth: 0.1 %
Gross profit margin: 1.07 %
Profit growth: -99.74 %
Net profitability: 0.02 %
Short-term obligations coverage ratio: 2.54
ROA: 0.045 %
ROE: 0.070 %
Formulas used in calculating ratios: -Turnover growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022 - sales revenue 2021)/sales revenue 2021 * 100 -Gross profit margin (%) = gross profit/sales revenue *100 -Profit growth (%) = (net profit 2022-net profit 2021)/net profit 2021 * 100 -Net profitability (%) = net profit/sales revenue * 100 -Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets/short-term obligations -ROA (%) = net profit/total assets * 100 -ROE (%) = net profit/total equity * 100
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