SILMANI ELEKTER AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 6,262 peopleand his is followed by 234 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.and commented 2 times.
's activity report 2022
In 2022, Silmani Elekter AS carried out its main activity - the import, distribution, wholesale and project sales of electrical materials and lighting fixtures. The turnover of Silmani Elekter AS in 2022 amounted to 8.18 million euros (2021: 8.31) and net profit 0.53 million euros (2021:0.69).
The importance of exports accounted for 12.2% of turnover (2021: 9.7%).
In 2022, 209.5 thousand euros were invested in fixed assets (2021: 147.4). In 2022, investments of approximately 50 thousand euros are planned.
As part of development activities: In 2022, the product range was supplemented with products from the following manufacturers: - Inegva ME LLC (Ukraine) - cable ties; - Ares s.r.l *Socio Unico. (Italy) - designer lights; -Zaho SP Z o.o (Poland) - LED designer lights and lighting solutions; -Kluš SP Z o.o (Poland ) - LED technology-based indoor and outdoor lighting solutions.
In 2022, AS Silmani Elekter participated in the following fairs: - "Maja I /House I 2022" in Riga 24-27.03.2022: with Berker socket-switch series, Fontini's new FontBarcelona exclusive socket and switch series exhibition, Viabizzuno N55 modular LED lighting solutions, Arkoslight - new track lighting system and spot and directional lights. "Invisible light" technology,
IP44 innovative Qu series of portable battery lights, Simon 100 unique solutions for sockets and switches series, Bodenstckdosen - floor sockets in various floors and Asa Pastici - electrical solutions in furniture.
- "Eesti Ehitab/Estbuild 2022" in Tallinn 06-09.04.2022: with Berker socket-switch series, FontBarcelona socket-switch new series exhibition, Viabizzuno LED lighting series, Arkoslight versatile track lighting systems, IP44 new battery light Qu series, Simon 100 unique solutions for sockets and switches series, Bodenstckdosen floor sockets and Asa - electrical solutions in furniture.
In 2023, plans are to continue organizing regular product presentation seminars for customers, visit suppliers with customers and participate in fairs.
Extensive international trade sanctions have increased economic uncertainty, but do not cause significant changes in the company's operations.
Due to the relative smallness of the company, social impacts are not considered significant.
The goods in the company's range comply with the requirements established in the European Union and the company complies with the recycling requirements required by environmental protection standards.
AS Silmani Elekter has delegated the organization of packaging collection and recycling to the Producer Responsibility Organization OÜ.
An agreement has also been concluded with the Estonian Electronic Waste Association for the organization of the collection and recycling of used electronic devices.
In 2022, the average number of employees of AS Silmani Elekter was 36 employees (2021: 40) and the wage cost was 549.1 thousand euros (2021: 541.5), to which social tax of 33% and unemployment insurance tax were added.
In 2022, no remuneration was paid to the members of the board and the council for being a member.
In 2023, Silmani Elekter AS plans to continue its main activity - the import, distribution, wholesale and project sales of electrical materials and lighting fixtures.
Main financial ratios 2022 2021 payment ratio (current assets/short-term liabilities): 4.4 4.9 liquidity ratio ((current assets - stocks)/short-term liabilities): 3.5 4.0 net sales profitability (net profit/sales revenue x100): 6.5% 8.3% asset profitability (net profit/assets x100): 8.4% 11.3% equity profitability (net profit/equity x100): 10.1% 13.4% solidity ratio (equity/assets x100): 82.4% 84.2%
Silmani Elekter AS is a continuously operating company.
In Tallinn, September 26, 2022
Anton Amelin Siim Porila board member board member
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