G4S EESTI AS current status
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's activity report 2022
AS G4S Estonia is a company belonging to the international security group Allied Universal. The group operates in more than 90 countries and employs more than 800,000 people. AS G4S Estonia has been successfully operating in the Estonian security market for over 30 years and has achieved a strong and reliable position in the eyes of customers. As a market leader, the company offers a wide range of high-quality services throughout Estonia.
The company has a wide range of activities in Estonia: technical and manned security services; design, installation, sale, maintenance and maintenance of security equipment and alarm systems (including fire alarms); provision of security consultations and preparation of security concepts; personal protection service; sale of first aid supplies and fire alarm transmission service to the alarm center.
In 2022, AS G4S Estonia bought the company AS G4S Group from AS G4S Baltics, which had been a sister company until then. As of August 1, 2022, AS G4S Group is a subsidiary of AS G4S Estonia.
The sales revenue of AS G4S Estonia increased by more than 6% to 59.5 million euros, in 2021 it was 55.7 million euros.
Due to higher sales revenue, the costs of goods, materials, services, and labor were higher compared to 2021. In 2022, instead of a loss of 43 thousand euros in 2021, a profit of 1.1 million euros was received from subsidiaries. The profit before taxation was nearly 2.1 million euros by the end of 2022.
In 2022, dividends of nearly 1.9 million euros were paid from the undistributed profit of previous periods, resulting in a tax expense of 163 thousand euros. The total profit for the reporting year was 1.9 million euros.
The company's business is evenly distributed throughout the year in most areas of activity. The only seasonal service is beach surveillance, which is provided from June to September. There is also a somewhat larger volume of manned security services in the summer months, which is the peak season for various major events.
AS G4S Estonia, with 1880 employees, is one of the largest employers in Estonia and paid 13.6 million euros in labor taxes in 2022. From the second quarter of the year, when the Covid-19 pandemic subsided, service volumes grew rapidly, which led to a sharp need to recruit new employees. Inflation and rapid wage growth made recruitment very difficult. A lot of effort was required to recruit aviation security officers to ensure smooth work at Tallinn Airport. In 2022, AS G4S Estonia continued to make great efforts to retain and develop existing employees. The company's total employee turnover was 22.3%, which is 0.7% less than the company's target, voluntary turnover was 18.7 percent.
At the end of 2022, CV-Online Estonia conducted an annual TOP Employer survey, according to which AS G4S Estonia is the second most attractive employer in the service sector, which is one place better than last year.
In 2022, the focus was still on the sale of the Nublu smoke and carbon monoxide detector service. By the end of the year, nearly 62,000 customers were using the Nublu service. This is a smoke and carbon monoxide detector that sends an alarm to the AS G4S Estonia control center, which sends a patrol crew or volunteer rescuers to check the situation. The company will continue to invest in this area in 2023.
In 2022, two office relocations took place (Pärnu and Tallinn), which increased the company's investments. The company has undertaken several software updates in 2023 to make work more efficient. There are no other significant research or development projects underway and none are planned for the current year.
In the opinion of the management, the financial risks of AS G4S Estonia are managed, as the company has not increased its loan obligations or the amount of loans granted. AS G4S Estonia has no transactions with financial instruments. The company's foreign exchange transactions are small, so the risk associated with exchange rate changes is minimal. The company's money is kept in different banks. AS G4S Estonia has enough assets to fulfill all its obligations.
The company's credit risks are mitigated by thorough credit control before entering into a contract with a customer. AS G4S Estonia deals with debtors as soon as the claim deadline has passed. Loans are granted only on the basis of a short-term contract and only in a volume and on terms suitable for the company.
The company regularly contributes to a sustainable society. It is important for us to understand our impact and contribute to a responsible economy. Last year, we started a thorough mapping of environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects to set goals and metrics. In all areas, the most priority sustainability areas will be mapped next year and performance indicators will be set, based on which the effectiveness and promotion of the company's sustainability management will be assessed.
G4S Estonia has mapped its major interest groups and we feel a responsibility to meet their expectations. Therefore, we are currently also mapping the expectations of interest groups. It is important for the company to develop responsible business and as a result we are
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