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's activity report 2022
The main activity of AS Tallinna Toiduveod according to EMTAK 2008 is road freight transport. In 2022, the sales revenue of AS Tallinna Toiduveod was 12,829,277 euros.
In 2022, vehicles were mainly rented to more efficiently adapt to market demand changes and better respond to customer requirements for vehicles.
In 2022, the average number of employees at AS Tallinna Toiduveod was 196 people.
The board of Tallinna Toiduveod is single-member and the council is three-member. No financial or other obligations have been issued to the council members.
The business activity of AS Tallinna Toiduveod takes place in eurozone countries, therefore currency fluctuations do not pose a financial risk.
Financial ratios 2022. a. 2021. a. 2022. a. 2021. a.
Sales revenue growth 27.68% 45.19% ROA 2.34% 2.95%
Gross profit margin 9.73% 11.08% ROE 4.92% 6.16%
Net profit, thousand euros 137.0 163.1 Return on sales 1.07% 1.62%
Short-term coverage ratio 1.33 1.27
Rule used in calculating ratios:
Sales revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022. a - sales revenue 2021. a) / sales revenue 2021. a x 100%
Gross profit margin (%) = gross profit / sales revenue x 100%
Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets / short-term obligations
Return on assets (%) = net profit / total assets x 100%
Return on equity (%) = net profit / total equity x 100%
Return on sales (%) = profit / sales revenue x 100%
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