SAUE AUTO AS current status
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's activity report 2022
The consolidation group includes the parent company Saue Auto AS and 100% owned subsidiaries Saue Auto KV OÜ and 03.05.2019 established Saue
Auto Transport OÜ.
Saue Auto AS has been operating since 1994. The main activity is international car transport services, which made up 92.9% of the consolidated sales turnover in 2022 (2021: 94.1%). As a side activity, technical inspections are carried out for all vehicle categories. Saue Auto
KV deals with renting out real estate.
The group's total operating income for the reporting year was 11,939 thousand euros (2021: 10,836 thousand euros). Compared to 2021, operating income increased by 10.2%, including sales revenue increased by 9.5%. 76.2% of car transport services (2021: 76.7%) were provided to the foreign market.
The group provided services to the following countries:
Country 2022 sales 2021 sales
Norway 41.63% 42.50%
Estonia 29.22% 27.80%
Denmark 16.76% 15.70%
Finland 3.98% 4.50%
Other countries 8.40% 9.50%
Total % 100% 100%
Since 01.07.2012, Saue Auto AS has also been registered as a VAT payer in Norway.
The group's total operating expenses for the reporting year were 11,614 thousand euros (2021: 10,453 thousand euros). Compared to 2021, operating expenses increased by 11%.
Cost groups made up of sales costs: -Goods, raw materials, and services 80.7% (2021: 78.7%).
-Various operating expenses 1.7% (2021: 2.5%).
-Labor costs 12.2% (2021:13.2%); -Depreciation and impairment of fixed assets 5.3% (2021: 5.4%); -Other operating expenses 0.2% (2021: 0.2%).
The group's profit for 2022 was 200.8 thousand euros (2021: 293.2 thousand euros).
Saue Auto AS uses Dynafleet and Scania Fleet management programs for fleet management and the Live Logistics
Software, which allows tracking the work process from order to invoice. With these programs, it is possible to perform various financial analyses, including, for example, analyzing the profitability of cars and drivers, the efficient use of working time. For the control of drivers' working and rest time, we use the digital tachograph remote download service.
In 2017, a tire use-maintenance contract was signed with Michelin Polska S.A., which was continued in 2022.
In 2022, the board members of Saue Auto AS were Helen Kõrgesaar and Tanel Mürsepp, and the procurator was Urmas Mürsepp. The council included Tarmo Maltsaar, Elvina Mürsepp, and Handro Kõrgesaar. All work full-time at Saue Auto AS, except Handro Kõrgesaar. The number of employees in the parent company was 73 at the beginning of 2022 and 63 employees at the end of the year.
Saue Auto AS's fleet is constantly being renewed. All cars meet EURO6 requirements. The main investments in 2022 were 17 new trailers in capital lease and 12 new trucks in operating lease. This year we plan to acquire 3 trucks and 1 trailer.
No significant research and development was done in 2022, nor is research and development planned for 2023.
In Saue Auto AS's business operations, the workload is smaller in January, February, July, and August. This is partly related to holiday periods in Scandinavia and the organization of cargo. The workload is more or less stable in the remaining months of the year.
Saue Auto AS's business activities do not have significant environmental and social impacts.
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