RAIN TRANSPORT AS current status
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's activity report 2022
Main activity of the company
The main activity of Rain Transport AS is domestic freight transport by road. Rain Transport AS is owned by a private individual.
Main key indicators
The company's turnover in 2022 was 9,180,452 euros. The annual result was a profit of 6,817 euros from the company's economic activity.
The total volume of the company's investments in 2022 was 314 thousand euros, mainly invested in motor vehicles and trailers.
Activities in 2022 and plans for 2023
We separated forwarding from transport from 01.06.2022. We consolidated the activities related to goods forwarding to Rain Logistics
OÜ. In this change, the management of Rain Transport AS assumed that a specialized company can provide the service more efficiently and at lower costs. Rain Transport AS continues to serve unchanged those customers where there is no need for forwarding: DPD, Omniva, Schenker,
Coop, A. Le Coq, Onninen, HTT-Winding OÜ, as well as some line hauls. For the remaining customers, we continue to transport goods, but the forwarding service is provided by Rain Logistics OÜ.
The keyword for the year is the shortage of drivers and the increase in competition in the labor market. In order to retain existing staff, we were forced to raise salaries by an average of 7%. A noticeable part of the price increase has been spent on raising wages. It is clear that the pressure to raise drivers' wages will continue in 2023 as well.
In renewing the truck fleet, we have mainly purchased second-hand trucks, as new trucks are expensive and it is difficult to make a profit with them in domestic transport in Estonia. The prices of second-hand trucks have also risen.
The company has set a goal for 2023 to achieve a turnover of 9,500,000 million euros and a corresponding operating profit of 50,000 euros.
These are goals that require maximum effort to achieve. Operating profit is influenced by both sales volumes and profitability growth, the latter is related to keeping business costs under more precise control. We also critically review all clients and jobs with the aim of understanding which jobs are worth doing and which are not. By abandoning cross-subsidization and focusing on profitable activities, our goal is to increase the profit margin.
Ratios characterizing the company's main activity and their calculation:
Indicator 2022 2021
Net return on total assets or asset profitability (ROA) (annual profit/assets)*100(%) 0.19% 1.58%
Return on equity or equity return (ROE) (annual profit / equity)*100(%) 0.71% 5.44%
Operating return on sales (operating profit / sales)*100% 0.60% 1.27%
Net return on sales (net profit / sales)*100% 0.07% 0.66%
Solidity ratio (equity / assets)*100% 26.69% 28.99%
Liquidity ratio (current assets-inventory/short-term debt) times 0.59 0.51
Debt ratio (total debt / total assets)*100(%) 73.31% 71.01%
Asset turnover ratio (sales / average total assets) times 2.57 2.4
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