This company's branding has already reached 3,026 peopleand his is followed by 29 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.and commented 1 time.
's activity report 2022
Viking Life-Saving - -
Equipment Estonia AS's main activity is the sale, control, maintenance and repair of rescue and safety equipment. The company is a subsidiary of the Danish company Viking Life Saving Equipment A/S and a provider of all products, sales, control, maintenance and repair in Estonia and abroad
Viking Life- 6.1 million euros, of which 21% was made up of products and 79 1 514
Saving Equipment Estonia AS's total income was 1m5ajandusaasta lõpu s8eisuga made up 52%% t ejae n4u8s%te. müük. Compared to 202 . year, total turnover increased by a thousand euros.
s h. product sales increased compared to the previous year %, service sales %. Export and domestic sales
Viking Life-Saving Equipment Estonia AS's 2022 pre-tax profit was 877 thousand euros. Compared to the previous year, the increase in profit was 33 vVõarlrueuldtaersi oskn jma aiknstureeseslnime käaäsruam r ivsäkh enenud thousand euros.
Transactions with customers and suppliers are predominantly
Personnel in euros, therefore the risk of exchange rate fluctuations is small.
2022 -Saving Equipment Estonia had an average of 25 employees. Employment costs together with social tax amounted to 1.1 million euros in the reporting year.
. In 2022, Viking Life worked employees. Employment costs together with
Economic environment and investments
Viking Life-Saving Equipment Estonia AS-
In the maritime sector in 2022 2. year i main customers are maritime sector companies in Estonia and abroad.
. In 2022, due to the economic environment, there was no significant change in turnover. 202 significant investments were not made in the company, inventory and tools are updated as needed lKäehsiakaksotantneal.- and social impacts
Viking Life-Saving - -
Equipment Estonia AS's activities do not have significant environmental impacts. The company's main activity is pPäeäasmteisejad t ufirnvaanvtasrsuushtutsaer vmuüdü k, control, maintenance and repair. the company deals with maritime safety.
2022 2021
NSV (EUR) 6084 5569
NSV growth 9% 14%
Gross profit margin 14% 16%
Net profit (ЕUR) 598 800
Net profitability 10% 14%
Coverage of short-term obligations 2.2 5.9
ROA 20% 24%
ROE 26% 26% = 1000 2 - 1 1 * 100
ÜBrhuiktokasumi margin (%) = Profit before income tax / Revenue * 100
NPuShVa ksaksavs u(%ml)i k=k (ums ü(ü%g)i t=u lpuu 2h0a2skasmumüü /g tiutululu * 2 10020 ) / sales revenue 202
ROA (%) = net profit / total assets * 100
LRüOhEi a(j%al)is =te p kuohhauskstaussutme k/a kttoegkuo ordmaajak a(kpoitradl a*d 1e0s0) = current assets / short-term obligations
Jaanus Zovo
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