SANWOOD AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 5,241 peopleand his is followed by 64 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.5 points.and commented 21 times.
's activity report 2022
AS Sanwood was established in 1993. The main activity of the company is the production of solid wood dining sets, tables and chairs.
The company employed 108 workers, labor costs were 1,923,353 euros. The board members received a total remuneration of 13,500 euros during the reporting period.
The work of the council members was not remunerated.
Year for 2022 2021
Sales revenue 6,444,415 5,707,171
Net profit for the reporting year 154,908 122,370
Year-end status
TOTAL ASSETS 4,728,022 4,052,543
Current assets 3,178,204 2,395,107
Fixed assets 1,549,818 1,657,436
TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,956,057 2,424,486
Short-term liabilities 1,585,032 863,087
Long-term liabilities 1,360,025 1,561,399
TOTAL EQUITY 1,782,965 1,628,057
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio 2.00 2.77
Return on assets (ROA) 3.28% 3.01%
Return on equity (ROE) 8.69% 7.51%
Turnover growth 13% 6.66%
Profit growth (decline) 27% -30.08%
Net profitability 2.4% 2.14%
Formulas used in calculating ratios:
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio = (current assets / short-term liabilities)
Return on assets (ROA) = net profit / average total assets for the year
Return on equity (ROE) = net profit / total equity
Turnover growth = (sales revenue 2022 - sales revenue 2021) / sales revenue 2021
Profit growth = (net profit 2022 - net profit 2021) / net profit 2021
Net profitability = net profit / sales revenue
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