ESTONIA SPA HOTELS AS current status
This company's branding has already reached 4,680 peopleand his is followed by 55 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 3.7 points.and commented 17 times.
's activity report 2022
Estonia Spa Hotels AS is a company located in the city of Pärnu, consisting of two separate spa complexes, offering customers accommodation services, preventive and restorative health services, a wide range of wellness services, and catering and conference services.
ESTONIA Medical Spa & Hotel is a traditional medical spa and hotel in Pärnu, specializing in the prevention and rehabilitation of bone and joint diseases. The keywords of the medical spa are decades-long tradition and professionalism. Guests have a choice of more than 60 different treatment procedures, in addition to the water and sauna center TERMID and beauty treatment rooms.
ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa**** hotel has 106 comfortable hotel rooms and the NOOT restaurant. On the first floor of the hotel's spa and conference building is an international conference center for more than 300 guests. On the second and third floors, visitors can use the unique spa and sauna center SPA & SAUN, where they can consciously balance their body and mind. The hotel's interior and service concept draws inspiration from Estonian nature, national traditions, handicrafts, and culture.
2022 was economically successful for the company. The recovery after the Covid-19 restriction period was relatively quick in the Pärnu accommodation market, which facilitated a noticeable increase in the number of customers in 2022.
In 2022, the company was visited by 50,220 visitors (30,173 in 2021). Of the visitors, 22,536 were foreigners (7,154 in 2021), or 45% (24% in 2021).
The company's average occupancy rate was 67% (36% in 2021). The company's market share in the Pärnu accommodation market increased to 18.5% (16% in 2022) according to Statistics Estonia.
The number of persons working under an employment contract, converted to full-time, was 169 employees (153 in 2021). In addition, the company used the services of persons providing services under a contract of obligations for 47,140 hours (13,440 hours in 2021).
Revenues, expenses, and profit
The company's sales revenue in 2022 was 9.4 million euros (5.1 million euros in 2021). The company's
EBITDA was 2.16 million euros (1.33 million euros in 2021). The net profit for 2022 was 1.05 million
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