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The year 2018 was record-breaking for this company, winning the largest procurement -

VIRU HAIGLA AS: Public Procurement



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The year 2018 was record-breaking for this company, winning the largest procurement - "Iseseisev statsionaarne õendusabi Ida-Viru maakonnas, Lääne-Viru maakonnas, Järva maakonnas ja Jõgeva maakonnas" - to date with the total value at 1 703 107 euros. But the company did not rest on its laurels, they kept putting in the effort and the turnover for 2018 eclipsed all earlier years.

Typically, one public contract makes up a staggering 1/3 of VIRU HAIGLA AS's turnover! That is a substantial proportion and the loss of income from public procurements would probably deliver a death blow to the company's turnover.

This makes it plain to see why the company is so active in tendering. – in all VIRU HAIGLA AS has bid in public procurements 13 times to secure winning contracts. Considering the bureaucracy involved in public procurements, it must take up considerable time at the expense of other money-making ventures.

At the same time, it is a business partner to the state that pays taxes to the State Treasury equal to or even exceeding the sum received in sales turnover from its public contracts.

#Läänevirumaa #AmbulatoorseRaviKeskused #Eriarstid

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