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Juba 2,393 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 75 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.0 punktiga ja komme


Juba 2,393 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 75 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.0 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 2 korda.

's activity report 2022

Rapla Consumers' Cooperative was established in 1904. The purpose of the cooperative is to support its members' joint activities by providing various services. The main activity of Rapla Consumers' Cooperative is retail trade, with real estate management as a side activity.

At the end of 2022, the cooperative had a total of 14 stores, including 3

Retail turnover

Konsum, 2 Konsum/Construction Centers, 8 small shops, 1 industrial goods store. Mainly food- 45000 and consumer goods are sold. In 2022, Rapla TÜ's 40000 35000 retail turnover was 41.5 million €, an increase of 7.8% compared to the previous 30000 year. The cooperative ended its catering activities, 25000 )€ 20000 hut( closed the café “Võiroos” on 31.12.2022.


The cooperative's sales revenue in 2022 was 35.2 million € (growth 10000 5000 7.9%) and operating profit 0.9 million € (decrease 36.5%); 0 financial investments resulted in a loss of 0.3 million €, 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 total profit was 0.6 million €.

In 2022, the cooperative had 228 suppliers. 72% of the procurement volume was made up by Coop Estonia Central Cooperative.

As of December 31, 2022, Rapla Consumers' Cooperative had 1442 members. Cooperative members and regular customers actively use the Savings Card and Savings Card Plus, which offer price discounts at Coop Estonia stores and at Savings Card partners. Savings Card

Plus provides an additional opportunity to pay for goods, withdraw cash from Coop store checkouts, use a credit limit.

The Coop Bank card also works as a customer card in Coop stores, which gives discounts on purchases and collects bonus points. Cash can be withdrawn and cash deposits made to a bank account at Coop store checkouts with a bank card.

The average number of employees in 2022 was 194. The average salary increased by 14.5% compared to 2021.

Operating profit

Investments in tangible fixed assets 1600 3000 1400 1200 2500 1000 2000 )€ )€ 800 1500 hut( hut( 600 1000 400 200 500 0 0

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Näed helistaja tausta! Storybooki Äpp toob Sinuni otsekontaktid 400 000 Eesti ettevõtte ja isikute kohta (juhid, ametnikud). Andmed on rikastatud maksevõime ja finantsinfoga.