JUURVILJAAIT OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 46,331 peopleand his is followed by 20 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.4 points.and commented 20 times.
's activity report 2022
Juurviljaait OÜ was registered on October 25, 2006. The company started production activities in January 2007, for which a warehouse and production building was built in Nõo municipality, Tartu County. The main activities are the processing, storage and wholesale of potatoes and vegetables.
Juurviljaait OÜ's net turnover in 2022 was 6,350,085 euros. The company ended its 2022 fiscal year with a profit of 957,370 euros. In 2022, Juurviljait OÜ employed an average of 37 employees, the gross amount of wages was 477,157 euros.
The largest investment in 2022 was the purchase of the Löövi property in Reola village, thanks to which the volume of the company's sold production and sales revenue increased. In addition, two trucks with trailers, a new oven and cooling boiling cabinets were purchased for faster production. A new absorption field was completed.
The company continues to want to invest in production capacity growth and energy cost savings- plans include the purchase of a steam generator, renovation of the warehouse and auxiliary buildings, and the installation of solar panels.
The main financial ratios of Juurviljaait OÜ in 2022 and 2021 were as follows:
Financial ratio 2022 2021
Liquidity ratio 1.41 0.94
Return on fixed assets 3.12 2
Equity ratio 1.63 1.7
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