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This company's branding has already reached 1,609 peopleand his is followed by 21 Storybook users.The company has not been rated.and there are no comments eithe

BEST PRESS OÜ current status

This company's branding has already reached 1,609 peopleand his is followed by 21 Storybook users.The company has not been rated.and there are no comments either.

's activity report 2022

In 2022, the main activity of OÜ Best Press was still the publication of the magazines Jooksja and Tennis. Both were published according to the planned schedule, i.e., six and four issues per year, respectively.

The plan for 2023 is also to publish four issues of Tennis and six issues of Jooksja and to continue the magazine's digital subscription project. In addition, the websites of both Jooksja and Tennis magazines were improved, and work was done on the magazines' social media channels. In 2023, more attention is planned to be paid to the development of the online store The Jooksja magazine also participated again in the organization of the tenth Rapla Selveri Suurjooks.

In addition, one issue of the Maadlus magazine was published in 2022, and several books were prepared and

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