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AGRI PARTNER OÜ hetkeolukord

Already 15,990 people have seen this company's branding and they are being followed by 19 Storybook user.In average the company has been rated 4.9 points ja kommenteeritud 13 korda.

's activity report 2022

Agri Partner OÜ is a company that specializes in the sale of agricultural machinery, agricultural supplies, and spare parts for agricultural machinery. This company has been a significant player in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with the necessary tools and equipment to enhance their farming practices and increase productivity. In 2022, Agri Partner OÜ successfully achieved its set goals. This accomplishment is a testament to the company's commitment to excellence and its relentless pursuit of growth and development. The company's success is not only reflected in its ability to meet its targets but also in its financial performance.

In 2023, Agri Partner OÜ has set a goal to increase its sales revenue through active sales work. This objective is a clear indication of the company's ambition to expand its market share and strengthen its position in the agricultural sector. The company plans to achieve this by intensifying its sales efforts and exploring new market opportunities.

The company's main economic indicators and ratios were as follows:In 2022, the company's sales revenue was EUR 3,469,789, a slight decrease from EUR 3,513,072 in 2021. Despite this slight decrease, the company managed to maintain a stable financial performance, demonstrating its resilience in the face of market fluctuations.

The net profit for 2022 was EUR 130,441, a marginal increase from EUR 130,242 in 2021. This increase, albeit small, is a positive sign of the company's profitability.

The growth rate of turnover in 2022 was -1.2%, compared to 119% in 2021. This decrease can be attributed to the slight drop in sales revenue. However, the company's turnover growth rate remains positive, indicating its ability to generate revenue consistently.

The profit growth rate in 2022 was 0.2%, a significant decrease from 1921% in 2021. Despite this decrease, the company managed to maintain a positive profit growth rate, reflecting its ability to generate profits consistently.

The short-term obligation coverage ratio in 2022 was 1.60, a slight increase from 1.57 in 2021. This increase indicates that the company has sufficient current assets to cover its short-term liabilities.

The Return on Assets (ROA) in 2022 was 11%, a decrease from 13% in 2021. Despite this decrease, the company's ROA remains positive, indicating its efficiency in using its assets to generate profits.

The Return on Equity (ROE) in 2022 was 34%, a significant decrease from 50% in 2021. Despite this decrease, the company's ROE remains high, indicating its efficiency in using its equity to generate profits.

In conclusion, Agri Partner OÜ has demonstrated a strong financial performance in 2022, despite some fluctuations in its economic indicators and ratios. The company's commitment to growth and development, as well as its ability to maintain profitability, make it a strong player in the agricultural sector.

This blog post was written by Argo Kukk, a board member of Agri Partner OÜ, who has extensive experience in the agricultural sector and a deep understanding of the company's operations and financial performance.

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