MK TRADE BALTIC OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 7,273 peopleand his is followed by 4 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 3.4 points.and commented 267 times.
's activity report 2022
During 2022, the main focus of MK Trade Baltic OÜ was the development of e-commerce.
The company has created an Estonian and Russian language website, where a large number of products have been uploaded with information and prices, and which can be ordered directly from this website. MK Trade Baltic OÜ provides a manufacturer's warranty for all products and also offers the opportunity to extend the warranty period.
MK Trade Baltic OÜ was founded in September 2014 and active economic activity only began in May 2015.
Before starting sales, a lot of investments were made.
The main means of increasing sales were active advertising on the internet, radio and partner sites.
Significant advertising costs for promoting our products at the beginning of the activity give good results.
Thanks to an effective strategy, MK Trade Baltic OÜ guaranteed itself sales volume growth and stabilization (Figure 1).
Sales revenue, EUR 10 000 000 9 000 000 8 000 000 7 000 000 6 000 000 5 000 000 4 000 000 3 000 000 2 000 000 1 000 000 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Sales revenue, EUR 1 381 010 3 583 668 3 925 484 4 239 315 6 252 187 7 492 407 7 981 737 8 883 419
Figure 1. Sales revenue growth.
In 2022, the turnover of MK Trade Baltic OÜ continued to grow steadily. The basis for growth was making cooperation with existing partners more effective, finding new cooperation partners, improving processes, optimizing costs, further increasing awareness, expanding the product range, new
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