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Interior finishing is an ever-evolving aspect of home design, reflecting the changing lifestyles, technologies, and values of society. As we move forward, sever

5 trends in interior finishing to watch

Interior finishing is an ever-evolving aspect of home design, reflecting the changing lifestyles, technologies, and values of society. As we move forward, several key trends are emerging that are set to shape the way we think about the spaces we live and work in. In this post, we'll explore five interior finishing trends that are gaining traction and how they can transform your space.

1. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials

Reclaimed wood is not only environmentally friendly but also adds character and history to your interiors. It's a durable and timeless material that brings warmth and texture to any space.

Health-conscious homeowners are increasingly opting for low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints and finishes. These products contribute to better indoor air quality and are safer for both the environment and the inhabitants of the home.

Materials like natural stone and recycled glass are becoming popular for their sustainability and unique aesthetic appeal. They offer a variety of textures and colors, providing a natural elegance to any room.

2. Smart Home Integration

Smart homes are no longer a thing of the future. Integrated technology systems for entertainment, security, and comfort are becoming standard in modern homes.

To maintain a sleek and uncluttered look, innovative solutions for hiding wires and tech equipment are essential. This trend is all about combining functionality with aesthetics.

Automated lighting and climate control systems not only provide convenience but also help in reducing energy consumption, aligning with the eco-friendly trend.

3. Textural Diversity

Interior designers are embracing the mix of different textures to add depth and interest to rooms. From smooth and sleek to rough and rustic, the possibilities are endless.

3D wall panels and textured wallpapers are a bold way to add dimension to your walls. They come in various patterns and can be painted to match any color scheme.

Textured flooring, such as hand-scraped hardwood, embossed laminate, or textured tile, can enhance the tactile experience of a space and complement the overall design theme.

4. Bold Color Palettes

A statement wall with a bold color or pattern can serve as a focal point in a room and express personal style.

Color blocking is not just for fashion; it's making its way into interior design as well. This technique involves using contrasting blocks of color to create visually striking spaces.

Brightly colored accent pieces and fixtures can add a pop of color to a neutral space and serve as an easy way to update the look of a room.

5. Multifunctional Spaces

As homes become more compact, the need for multifunctional spaces is increasing. Rooms that can easily transition from one use to another are becoming essential.

Custom storage solutions help maximize space efficiency while keeping interiors tidy and stylish.

Convertible furnishings, such as Murphy beds and extendable tables, are perfect for making the most out of limited space and accommodating various activities.

Discover how BUILDTRANS OÜ can elevate your space with the latest interior finishing trends. Contact us for bespoke solutions that blend style, functionality, and innovation.

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