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Attention! EUDRL OÜ has faced serious consequences due to the accumulation and neglect of tax debts, including loss of credibility and possible legal actions. F

EUDRL OÜ: Tax Debt and Loss of Trust



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Attention! EUDRL OÜ has faced serious consequences due to the accumulation and neglect of tax debts, including loss of credibility and possible legal actions. Failure to fulfill tax obligations not only affects the company’s financial situation but may also hinder further cooperation with partners.

📌 Total damage to the tax collector: 35048,96 EUR.

The company’s management at the time of the debts included Artur Butkevitšus, who started in business in the field of: Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet - 9 years ago at the age of 24. The total turnover of the companies led by them in 2024 was 759.48 thousand EUR.

Although Artur Butkevitšus is currently operating in EUDRL OÜ, no quarterly revenue has been registered there.

🔴 Inforegister recommends avoiding cooperation with EUDRL OÜ until the company has fulfilled its obligations and restored its credibility.

📢 Making a payment agreement and settling debts

The fastest way to schedule tax payments is to submit an application with a payment schedule in the Estonian Tax and Customs Board e-services environment e-MTA.

🔗Guide for submitting a payment scheduling request in e-MTA | pdf

Submit Application

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