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Already 202 people have seen this company's branding but they do not have any followers.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points but has not been commen


Already 202 people have seen this company's branding but they do not have any followers.In average the company has been rated 4.5 points but has not been commented.

's activity report 2022

The first entry for ViktoriaApteek OÜ was made in the Commercial Register on 10.02.2020.

The main activity of ViktoriaApteek OÜ is the operation of pharmacies (code 47731 of the Estonian economic activity classifier), the company has 3 pharmacies in Tallinn as of the end of the reporting year.

In 2022, the company had sales revenue of 5,887,227 (2021:5,525,825) euros and a profit of 93,055 (2021:138,271) euros.

Financial indicators (in euros) 2022 2021

Sales revenue 5,887,227 5,525,825

Net profit(-loss) 93,055 138,271

Net loss/profit margin 1.6% 2.5%

Assets 785,239 744,918

Asset productivity 11.9% 18.6%

Equity ratio 29.1% 18.2%

Formulas used:

Net profit margin : net profit/sales revenue*100

Asset productivity : net profit/total assets*100

Equity ratio : equity/total assets*100 In 2023, according to the management's estimate, ViktoriaApteek OÜ will continue to operate, maintaining its market share.

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