2 ettevõtet
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,460
- Töötajaid:
- 1
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 245,614 €
Lihtsustame veoste ekspedeerimist ja transporditeenuseid!
technical requirements
transport and courier services
strategic planning
supply activities
logistical deliveries
optimisation of supplies
supply management
material management
management of warehouse programmes
freight transport act
organisation of freight transport
managing the result of freight
inspection of freight
completion of freight transport
history of freight transport
technical solutions
freight transport services
transportation services
transport control
shipping services
container transits
freight transport services
logistic deliveries
termination of carriage of goods
inspection of freight transport
freight transport traffic act
managing the result of freight transport
land transport assistance services
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,010
- Töötajaid:
- –
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 17,519 €
Vibratsioonist täpne arusaam, täiuslik tasakaal, töökindlus tagatud.
technical requirements
verification of energy parameters
inspection of equipment
technical analysis
vibration control
noise analysis
inspection and maintenance
corrosion control
internal control
frequency analysis
inspection of connections
installation work
maintenance work
power measurements
vibration control
verification of working conditions
achieving the objectives
repair of machinery and equipment