- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,850
- Employees:
- 5
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 568,816 €
Retail sale of sporting goods in Tallinn
training equipment, rehabilitation equipment, massage equipment, supplements, alternative medicine, vitamins and minerals, Tapes, rehabilitation facilities, rental products, yoga, pilates
training equipment
yoga, pilates
training gums
training tools
rehabilitation equipment
massage equipment
alternative medicine
vitamins and minerals
rehabilitation facilities
rental products
gymnastics and yoga mats
gymnastics balls
dumbbells, bars and weights
top balls, heavy bags
barriers, speed ladders and checkpoint cones
balancing instruments
jumping cords
massage balls
massage rollers
massage tables
compression massage equipment
massage pistols
massage rolls and balls
massage pillow
foot massage device
more massage products
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,770
- Employees:
- 1
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 60,074 €
Activities of sports clubs in Võru
base/level 1, Pilates studio sessions, Pilates personal training, pilates studio, individual lessons, byeari, mid-level 1, mid level 2, pilates trainings, improving body care
pilates training
pilates personal training
family training
pilates trainings
health training
pilates studio
personal lessons
group lessons
pilates classes
pilates schedule
beginner pilates
intermediate pilates
advanced pilates
private pilates lessons
group pilates sessions
pilates instructor
pilates workout
pilates exercises
pilates for fitness
pilates studio sessions
pilates studio
individual lessons
mid-level 1
mid level 2
base/level 1
individual approach
use of pilates equipment
improving body care
activities of sports clubs
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,440
- Employees:
- 1
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 6,906 €
Online shop in Viimsi vald
Internet Trade, cyclist's socks, Football, cycling, yoga/pilates, running, Basketball, gears, Hiking, landscape run
general training
internet trade
trade and services
landscape run
cross-country skiing
skiing snowboard
orienteering/adventure sports
support socks - recovery
skating - roller skating
toe socks
waterproof socks and gloves
compression leggings
compression knees
compression garments
compression shirts
men's pants
women's pants
the man
a woman
support socks/recovery
sports socks
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 2,630
- Employees:
- 1
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 26,491 €
General cleaning of buildings in Tallinn
why pilates, cleaning services, dusting from horizontal surfaces, dry and wet floor cleaning, Cleaning of glass and mirror surfaces, cleaning of floor and wall lamps, cleaning stairs and stair railings, vacuum cleaning soft furniture, quaitation, body peeling
why pilates
home cleaning
water aerobics
staying healthy
the health studio
massage species
price list
why vesierobics
body peeling
vacuum cleaning soft furniture
cleaning stairs and stair railings
cleaning of floor and wall lamps
cleaning of glass and mirror surfaces
dry and wet floor cleaning
dusting from horizontal surfaces
cleaning services
general cleaning of buildings
- Credit score:
- Reliable
- Reputation score:
- 1,660
- Employees:
- 1
- Forecast turnover (2024):
- 25,686 €
Sports and Leisure Training in Pärnu
physiopilates, physiotherapy introduction, studio classes, class descriptions, registration for classes, physiotherapy price list, zoom classes, kidney massage or small pelvic massage, back gua sha therapy / massage, massage and chinese medical therapies
sports and leisure training
recreation and entertainment
myofunctional therapy
chinese medical therapies
therapeutic massage
class schedule
entertainment activities
recreation services
myofunctional therapy sessions
fitness workouts
professional physiotherapy
chinese medical treatments
physiotherapy introduction
studio classes
class descriptions
registration for classes
physiotherapy price list
zoom classes
restorative yin yoga
massage and chinese medical therapies
back gua sha therapy / massage
kidney massage or small pelvic massage
facial gua sha therapy/massage