5 ettevõtet
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 3,720
- Töötajaid:
- 8
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 834,653 €
Loominguline disain, usaldusväärne ehitus!
audit of construction works
expert assessment of building design documentation
construction expertise
construction work audit
building design documentation assessment
audit of construction works
expert opinion on the design documentation of the building
heritage conservation
office and commercial buildings
residential buildings
schools and kindergartens
industrial buildings
other objects
detailed spatial planning
heritage conservation services
residential building design
office building design
commercial building projects
school architecture design
kindergarten project planning
industrial building design
renovation project planning
architectural design quality
the preservation of heritage
conduct of expert assessment
design of commercial buildings
design of housing
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,960
- Töötajaid:
- 1
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 69,815 €
Tipptasemel inseneriteaduslikud lahendused igaühele!
audit of construction works
expert assessment of building design documentation
audit of construction works
expert opinion on construction documentation
construction management
audits of works
architecture design firms
design companies
thermal engraving
project management
architectural offices
design companies
project design
thermal engraving
sustainable solutions
reconstruction plans
building assessments
building audits
regulatory compliance
owner supervision
energy-saving approach
engineering-technical design
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,570
- Töötajaid:
- 3
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 19,006 €
Kujundades homse pärandi: Ehitame koos erakordset!
construction and real estate
expert assessment of building design documentation
expert opinion on the design documentation of the building
design documentation
architectural offices
architecture design firms
architectural offices
architectural companies
architectural firms
urban planning
residential plans
trade projects
interior architecture
project management
quality supervision
coordination of contractors
sourcing materials
building estimates
regulatory compliance
sustainability tips
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,970
- Töötajaid:
- 4
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 287,992 €
Teie ehituspartner kõikides etappides!
construction consultations
expert assessments of construction projects
construction project expert assessments
expert opinions on construction projects
expert opinions
owner supervision
design and construction tenders
project management
technical condition assessments
building audits
legalisation of buildings and application for occupancy and use permits
owner supervision services
building regulations consultancy
building audits
project management in construction
legalization of unauthorized construction
occupancy and use permits application
engineering consulting services
building compliance audits
construction procurement consulting
construction industry project management
building technical evaluations
design and construction procurement
audits of buildings
legalisation of buildings and application for occupancy and building permits
monitoring the project
application for use and occupancy permits
design procurement
situation reviews
- Krediidiskoor:
- Reliable
- Maineskoor:
- 2,780
- Töötajaid:
- 2
- Prognooskäive (2024):
- 55,400 €
Kas sul on IDEA mida soovid ehitada?
construction documentation
expert opinion
construction expertise court proceedings
analysis and evaluation of construction documentation
bridge construction
rental workforce mediation
job placement
staff mediation
recruitment of workers
technical design
industrial design
technical design
employment mediation
human resources mediation
recruitment of staff
technical design
development of enterprises
recruitment of employees
construction firm
building audit
private house construction
special solutions for buildings
creating a higher value chain
civil engineering
europe construction company
amerika construction company