Karri Tiigisoon (s. 12.04.1978)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 10
architect services
detailed spatial planning
implementation of detailed spatial plans
architecture design services
urban planning services
construction project management
construction services
land use planning
architectural consulting
building design services
construction industry services
construction consultancy services
construction and architecture services
detailed planning services
spatial plan implementation
infrastructure development planning
urban development planning
planning infrastructure development
construction work
detailed plans
architectural services
implementation of detailed spatial plans
construction of commercial buildings
execution of residential projects
infrastructure development
renovation services
designing a city
optimisation of land use
Helen Tammsalu (s. 26.11.1976)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 16
architect services
state and society
building permits
application for a building permit
architectural solutions
building permit application
architectural design
construction design
construction project planning
design services
building design services
architectural project development
construction permit assistance
architecture project idea
permit processing
building project consultation
architecture firm services
professional architect services
architectural services
building permits
construction permit application
project management
construction supervision
quality assurance
customer cooperation
activities of housing associations
leisure interest club
Virve Jalakas (s. 08.03.1961)
- Document keeper
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 2
- Business experience (for years):
- 27
architect services
making of traffic management projects
legalisation of buildings
building permits
application for documents
engineering services
ensuring compliance with legislation
architectural design
detailed spatial planning
landscape architecture
construction engineering
software and computer engineering
electronics engineering
construction documentation
building registration
preparation of documents to ehitisregistris.
permits for use
building permits
detailed spatial plans preparation
application for use and occupancy permits
graphic design
photographic processing
architectural design of buildings
architectural design of buildings
architectural design of buildings
development of building projects
activities of real estate agencies