residential pipework services
construction and real estate
construction and real estate services
construction and remodeling
renovation work
ventilation work
general construction and repair works
tiling works
street stones
electrical work
façade painting
custom home construction
building construction services
real estate development services
electrical work contractors
general construction and repair
ventilation installation services
commercial construction services
professional tiling services
renovation work services
façade painting services
home construction and remodeling
paving with street stones
construction works
repair work
ventilation works
general construction and repair work
Ants Kristjan Tamm (s. 22.12.1996)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 8
residential pipework services
general construction and repair works
garden landscaping
painting works
floors of dwellings
plumbing services
general construction services
interior finishing services
professional painting services
ceramic tiling services
building renovation services
home improvement services
bathroom renovation services
horticultural services
residential flooring installation
home renovation contractors
custom bathroom builders
exterior painting contractors
hardwood flooring installation
general construction and repair
garden structures
tiling work
finishing works
bathroom redevelopment
painting and finishing