Kadri Englas (s. 22.08.1985)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 12
equipment for persons with disabilities
recreation and entertainment
travel and hiking
rehabilitation centres
rehabilitation equipment
motorized beds
metal structures installation
surface coating works for children's playgrounds
playground swings
laundry and dry cleaning services
park and playground equipment
construction work for multi-purpose sports facilities
training facilities
construction work for sports facilities
playground carousels
construction work for leisure facilities
therapy beds
health-related building construction work
medical devices
review boards
rehabilitation service
activities of other organizations
business advice
hospital care services
Mari-Liis Ööpik-Loks (s. 14.09.1983)
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 8
equipment for persons with disabilities
recreation and entertainment
travel and hiking
rehabilitation centres
rehabilitation equipment
motorized beds
metal structures installation
surface coating works for children's playgrounds
playground swings
laundry and dry cleaning services
park and playground equipment
construction work for multi-purpose sports facilities
training facilities
construction work for sports facilities
playground carousels
construction work for leisure facilities
therapy beds
health-related building construction work
medical devices
review boards
rehabilitation service
hospital care services
Meelis Paavel (s. 17.06.1963)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Shareholder
- Active companies:
- 5
- Business experience (for years):
- 26
equipment for persons with disabilities
ministries and similar public administration
state and society
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
electronic mail systems
maintenance and repair of office machinery
telephone and data transmission services
planning and implementation of research and development
assessment consultancy services
multimedia devices
other construction finishing works
local computer network services
office building construction work
tour operator services
application software programming
research and development consultancy services
parts of audio and video equipment
miscellaneous seats and chairs
it software development services
motorized wheelchairs
consulting services in relation to relations
electronic boards
taxi services
customer survey services
database software package
medical analysis services
software maintenance and repair services
Tiit Land (s. 25.09.1964)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Board member
- Member of the council
- Active companies:
- 3
- Business experience (for years):
- 17
equipment for persons with disabilities
culture and education
higher education institutions
media and printing
museums and galleries
renting of party rooms
recreation and entertainment
state and society
natural gas
petroleum-type jet fuels
lead-free petrol
diesel (en 590)
sand and clay
miscellaneous outerwear
ozone generators
research and experimental development services
analytical electron scales
instruments for checking physical parameters
engineering installations for security installations
mechanical installations
information systems
telephone and data transmission services
planning and implementation of research and development
electrical equipment and apparatus
multimedia devices
barcode scanning equipment
Reelika Leetmaa (s. 02.03.1975)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 19
equipment for persons with disabilities
ministries and similar public administration
state and society
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
electronic mail systems
maintenance and repair of office machinery
telephone and data transmission services
planning and implementation of research and development
assessment consultancy services
multimedia devices
other construction finishing works
local computer network services
office building construction work
tour operator services
application software programming
research and development consultancy services
parts of audio and video equipment
miscellaneous seats and chairs
it software development services
motorized wheelchairs
consulting services in relation to relations
electronic boards
taxi services
customer survey services
database software package
medical analysis services
software maintenance and repair services
Kert Valdaru (s. 17.06.1978)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 16
equipment for persons with disabilities
social welfare
state and society
health insurance fund
food, beverages and tobacco and related products
meat products
frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
fruit, vegetables and related products
potatoes and potato products
fruit and vegetable juices
processed fruit and vegetables
jams and marmalades, fruit jellies, fruit or nut purees and pastes
refined oils and fats
dairy products
cheese products
other milk products
flour and tang substances
miscellaneous foods
bread products, fresh pastry and cakes
cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery
coffee, tea and similar products
planning and implementation of research and development
tour operator services
special education services
maintenance vehicles
professional rehabilitation services
hotel accommodation services
research services
Romek Kosenkranius (s. 07.02.1969)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Chairman of the Council
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 20
equipment for persons with disabilities
social welfare
local governments
culture and education
city governments
museums and galleries
recreation and entertainment
state and society
health insurance fund
sports facilities
swimming pools
general and home services
live plants, onions, roots, cuttings, grafts
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
diesel (en 590)
fertilizer planters
rollers for lawns or sports fields
lawn mowers
mowers for lawns, parks and sports grounds
microphones and loudspeakers
construction site preparation work
installation services of television equipment
instruments for checking physical parameters
construction work for special schools
planning and implementation of research and development
multimedia devices
Sirlis Sõmer-Kull (s. 01.01.1974)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 27
equipment for persons with disabilities
ministries and similar public administration
state and society
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
electronic mail systems
maintenance and repair of office machinery
telephone and data transmission services
planning and implementation of research and development
assessment consultancy services
multimedia devices
other construction finishing works
local computer network services
office building construction work
tour operator services
application software programming
research and development consultancy services
parts of audio and video equipment
miscellaneous seats and chairs
it software development services
motorized wheelchairs
consulting services in relation to relations
electronic boards
taxi services
customer survey services
database software package
medical analysis services
software maintenance and repair services
Brit Rammul (s. 09.02.1985)
- Person entitled to represent the institution
- Active companies:
- 1
- Business experience (for years):
- 3
equipment for persons with disabilities
ministries and similar public administration
state and society
oil and distillates
lead-free petrol
electronic mail systems
maintenance and repair of office machinery
telephone and data transmission services
planning and implementation of research and development
assessment consultancy services
multimedia devices
other construction finishing works
local computer network services
office building construction work
tour operator services
application software programming
research and development consultancy services
parts of audio and video equipment
miscellaneous seats and chairs
it software development services
motorized wheelchairs
consulting services in relation to relations
electronic boards
taxi services
customer survey services
database software package
medical analysis services
software maintenance and repair services