Introduction of the Storybook platform
Introduction to Storybook applications
WEB APPLICATION (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
DATA INTERFACE (CSV as alternative)
CAREER SHEET (Employer's brand)
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Protect your business by securing cash flow all in one with a complete "Lead to Cash" solution that minimizes credit losses and reduces credit management costs.

The long history of our Group companies has played an important role in the development of "Lead to cash" solutions - approximately 20 years of experience in developing analytical models and automating IT solutions, so we can guarantee that after three months of using "Lead to cach" your debt portfolio will decrease by about 40- 60 percent.

Complete credit management solution "Lead to cash"


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Use company and board member reports before each business transaction to get a clear picture of your partner's finances. This will prevent you from taking unnecessary credit risks.

Monitor companies and board members to ensure that no significant credit risk events are overlooked. This will keep your customer portfolio solvent.

The reports of companies and individuals are interactive, which also contains historical data (since 1992) and on the basis of which several machine learning models have been developed both to increase sales opportunities and to prevent credit risks.

  • Credit score and free credit limit
  • Reputation score to increase sales opportunities
  • Estimated financial indicators for the quarter and the current year
  • Beneficiaries and their net asset values

Estimated finances, credit scores, beneficiaries, etc.

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In each company report, you will see a lot of unique analytical models to help you always make the right and considered business decisions. The reports of the members of the Board show a summary of all the companies related to it, which allows to get a very accurate overview of the pattern of the company's payment behavior and financial capacity throughout its history.

The company's media page gives a reliable and perfect picture of the company's background, what it does, what it offers and what is talked about in the media.

An interactive credit score provides the primary and most important information about whether a company's business risk class is reliable or risky. The reputation score indicates the ability to manage finances, assets, employees, etc.

In 87% of cases, the consumer does not make a purchase decision online until he is convinced of the seller's reliability - and is visited by about 650,000 users per month.

The media report covers:

  • Company brand (pictures, colors, slogan, introduction, keywords)
  • Products / Services (direct links to products)
  • Articles / news (incl. Content marketing, blog, etc.)
  • Mainstream media (Postimees, Äripäev, etc.)
  • Video Channel News (Youtube, Vimeo)
  • Active job offers (Unemployment Insurance Fund, CV-Online, etc.)
  • Active procurement
  • Sales offers


Employees' reports are rightly of the greatest interest to the company's competitors, as well as employees or people applying for jobs, etc.

Estimated average earnings, the number of employees and their upward or downward trends are examined. As well as labor productivity and earning capacity.

In addition, there are direct contacts of both board members and employees, active job offers and the company's career page.

The employee report reflects:

  • Average salaryin the last quarter
  • Forecast turnover per employee
  • Estimated profit per employee
  • Employees in the last quarter
  • Labor taxes paid in the last quarter
  • Management and direct contacts (e-mails, telephones)
  • Employees, their positions and direct contacts (e-mails, telephones)
  • Branches and departments
  • Number of employees and estimated average wages (quarterly figures from 2015)
  • Employee taxes and analysis of sales results (quarterly figures from 2015)
  • Company's active job offers (Storybook, CV center, CV-online, unemployment fund, etc.)
  • Company career page

Comprehensive overview of company-related representatives and former members of the management board, members of the supervisory board and other representatives with roles. In addition, high-quality and unique information about the company's actual beneficiaries and the volumes of their assets.

The decider report reflects:

  • Main decider (highest reputation score)
  • Estimated turnover of the Board member companies
  • Memberships in other associations
  • Most influential business partners
  • Main beneficiary and net asset value
  • Valid board members, ratings, followers
  • Right of representation and description
  • Invalid board members, ratings, followers
  • Right of representation history graph
  • Businesses and mergers networks
  • Valid and invalid owners, holdings
  • Subsidiaries and associates, holdings
  • Other related parties (supervisory board, auditors)
  • Beneficiary net asset value
  • Beneficiary companies value using the income method
  • Holdings in companies and volumes of assets

The financial report is made unique by the current year prognosed balance developed by the machine learning methodology and the estimated sales turnover by quarters. It allows you to make the best quality business and financial decisions based on real-time economic data.

The balance sheet also includes the sales turnovers of the subsidiaries for both the estimated turnover of the previous years and the current year. In addition, the balance sheet lines show the amounts of government grants and public procurements won.

The financial report includes:

  • Estimated turnover for the current year
  • Average monthly turnover
  • Estimated profit for the current year
  • Estimated balance sheet total
  • Estimated profit margin
  • 1€ of asstets to cover liabilities
  • Estimated balance of the current year
  • Balance sheets of previous financial years
  • Turnover / estimated turnover of subsidiaries
  • Financial ratings, financial ratios
  • State and labor taxes on a quarterly basis
  • Average salaries paid and estimated salaries in quarters (from 2015)
  • Quarterly indicators for both estimated and taxable turnover (from 2015)
  • Sales revenue by country (since establishment)
  • Real estate (valid and invalid)
  • Annual reports (pdf)
  • Grants received (EAS, KIK, PRIA)
  • Public procurement won

The report provides a detailed overview of the company's private debts and tax arrears, the size of the free credit limit and the recommended payment term. Upcoming court hearings and court decisions, decisions of bailiffs and consumer protection are also reflected, which will allow you to familiarize yourself with all possible risks before starting cooperation.

The company's credit score consolidates the company's background information into one number and assesses the company's solvency and probability of receiving money with an accuracy of 99.5% over the next 12 months, so that the assessment of creditworthiness would be even more convenient and faster.

The Liabilities report reflects:

  • Current debts (public and private)
  • Turnover / taxes last quarter
  • Compliance with reporting obligations
  • Decisions and precepts
  • Key spokesperson (board member)
  • Real estate and mortgages
  • Credit score history since the beginning
  • Forecast for the next 12 months
  • Risk class and recommendations
  • Recommended free credit limit
  • Recommended payment term
  • History of debt claims and payment schedules (1 month / 6 months / 12 months / 5 years / MAX)
  • Debt by type (the board at the time of the debt)
  • Income (turnover) and expenditure (paid taxes) quarterly - 1 year / 5 years, MAX
  • Bailiffs enforcement procedures
  • Payment orders and court orders
  • Consumer Disputes Committee decisions
  • Court decisions relations cloud
  • Hearings and Judgments
  • Official announcements

Storybook's networks of business affiliations and beneficiaries are necessary for large corporations to detect money laundering and corruption, as well as for small businesses to verify whether a counterparty is still themselves or whether there are frontmen, indebted companies and / or mergers with non-profit networks.

Threads can be expanded to the desired number or to the last link. Companies and members of the management board have signs in traffic lights that indicate the business risks of companies and members of the management board.

More about credit scores in the section: RELIABILITY RATINGS

Networks include:

    • Relationships between companies and deciders
      • active and former connections
      • thread extension (remote links)
      • reduction of threads
      • activating one thread
      • duration axis of the relationship
      • increasing / decreasing the network
      • asset volumes, turnover and debt levels
      • summary info-windows for companies and individuals
    • Business ownership network up to the beneficiary (person)
    • Ownership network of persons down to all participations (companies)
      • direction of benefits
      • Co-Beneficiaries
      • extension of threads (distant links between companies and their beneficiaries)
      • % and amounts of holdings
      • Net asset values of beneficiaries
      • increasing / decreasing the network
      • summary info-windows for companies and individuals

Monitoring events show real-time incidents in the company on the timeline. For example, if a member of the management board changes in the company, a debt has arisen, a court hearing has been announced or a court decision has been published, etc.

The event has a positive, negative or neutral tonality and is easily noticeable as a traffic light color and can also be filtered.

You can also subscribe to notifications about events directly to your email from Desktop Settings. Notifications can also be ordered based on the tonality of the event and / or at the desired interval, either daily, weekly or monthly.

Types and tonality of monitoring events:

  • Submission of the declaration
  • Commencement of VAT liability
  • Submission of the annual report
  • Reduction of tax arrears
  • Payment of tax arrears
  • Payment of a debt claim
  • Increase in fixed capital
  • Credit limit reduction
  • Registration of an activity license
  • Change in credit recommendation
  • Increase in estimated turnover (from 25%)
  • Improvement in risk class
  • Staff recruitment (from 5 employees)
  • Failure to file a tax declaration
  • Failure to submit the annual report
  • Incurrence of tax arrears
  • Increase in tax arrears
  • Change of status in the register
  • Increase in debt claims
  • Decrease in fixed capital
  • Expiry of VAT liability
  • Credit limit reduction
  • Announcement of the hearing
  • Entry into force of the judgment
  • Risk class deterioration
  • Change in credit recommendation
  • Company name change
  • Expiry of VAT liability
  • Media coverage
  • Joining the decision-making board
  • Joining the decision-making board
  • Change of legal address
  • Exit of owner
  • Addition of owner
  • Company is being monitored
  • User added company to monitoring
  • Official announcements
  • Auction notices
  • Summonses
  • Court notices
  • Bailiff notifications
  • Liquidation notices
  • Tax and Customs Board notices
  • Bankruptcy Notices
  • Inheritance notices
  • Enforcement orders by a bailiff
  • Notices of seizure of property
  • Commercial register notices

The companies' highly comprehensive summary report brings all the reports together in a convenient view (employees, deciders, finances, liabilities, networks, monitoring). It is a good idea to print the summary report in pdf format, or share the HTML document with colleagues to add it to the procedure for obtaining a customer's credit limit.

If you wish, you can also ask us for a direct link to the summary reports so that you can add it to any CRM, ERP, etc. web software so that you can open the summary report directly in your software. Or download the Storybook WEB web browser extension, which shows you payment and financial background information directly in the web software next to company names.

Storybook is a database that gathers data on the general, financial and credit background of multinational companies from databases in global countries. Credit reports of active foreign companies are available in both Estonian and English.

Look sample of credit report.

Credit reports about foreign companies can be ordered from 125 million companies in 81 countries.

Credit reports of companies in European Union countries are available online, and after ordering the report, the company can also be added to the monitoring.

Check out the credit report countries and prices.

Aggregate overviews of related companies (finance, debts, etc.)

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Business decisions are made only by real people not company as legal formation, which is why the history of business operations, payment behavior pattern, financial capacity, events and connections etc. are important in entering into business relations with companies or deciders.

The reports of the members of the Management Board (persons) provide a good overview of the financial capability and solvency of all companies related to him/her, which provides immediate information on the business experience, risk behavior and general financial capacity of this entrepreneur.

The corporate media page gives a reliable and perfect picture of the background of the entrepreneur, what he or she does, what he or she offers and what is said about him or her in the media.

The average credit score of companies provides the primary and most important information on whether the entrepreneur business risk class is reliable or risky. The total reputation score of companies shows the ability to manage finances, assets, employees, etc.

The corporate media page shows:

  • Business management experience
  • Direct contacts - email, phone
  • Total Reputation Score of Affiliates
  • Average Credit Score of Affiliates

  • Areas of activity of related companies
  • Social media and websites
  • NEWS
  • Company news (blog, RSS)
  • Content Marketing Articles
  • Active job offers
  • Active procurement
  • Sales offers
  • Video Clips (Youtube, Vimeo)

The chronology of the board member's events speaks a lot about his/her payment behavior and financial capacity patterns throughout history - whether he/she is a successful entrepreneur that always pays taxes and fulfills its obligations, or on opposite, is businessman whose companies are going down and terminate their activities through compulsory deletions.

Transactions with corporate burials are also identifiable, and in the case of a recurring pattern, entering into a transaction with such an entrepreneur can be problematic.

Decider CV includes:

  • The most reputable company
  • Total estimated turnover of enterprises
  • Membership in associations
  • Active business connections
  • Main areas of activity
  • Value of beneficiary companies
  • Corporate credit score and risk level
  • Valid / Invalid Link (Start / End Date)
  • Tags with events
    • losses and debts
    • assets and employees
    • non-compliance with obligations
    • mergers (transfers of liabilities)
    • joining the board in debt, etc.

The report of the employees of all related companies of the member of the management board gives an overview of the company as an employer - how many employees he/she has and what is their ability to pay them a competitive salary. Measures of labor productivity are also visible.

Companies employees report reflects:

  • Average salaries of enterprises in the last quarter
  • Companies estimated turnover per employee
  • Companies estimated profit per employee
  • Employees in the last quarter
  • Labor taxes paid in the last quarter
  • Number of employees in enterprises and estimated average salaries (quarterly figures from 2015)
  • Taxes on corporate employees and analysis of sales results (quarterly figures from 2015)

The financial report of a member of the Management Board provides an overview of the turnover and financial capacity of the companies related to him/her - adds knowledge whether the entrepreneur is successful and well-performing or "lives beyond capacity".

  • Estimated total turnover
  • Average total monthly turnover
  • Gross profits
  • Total balance sheet total
  • Total profit margins
  • 1€ of asstets to cover liabilities
  • Quarterly indicators of enterprises: turnover, labor productivity, number of employees since 2015
    • Estimated turnover
    • Taxed turnover
  • Taxes paid and estimated salaries
  • Business indicators of companies and prognosis
  • Net asset value of companies
  • Value of enterprises using the income approach
  • Holdings and percentages
  • Volumes of assets
    • Retained earnings
    • Fixed assets
    • Balance sheet total
  • Direction of benefits
  • Co-Beneficiaries
  • Extension of threads (distant links between companies and their beneficiaries)
  • % And amounts of holdings
  • Net asset values of beneficiaries
  • increasing / decreasing the network

The report on the responsibilities of a member of the Management Board provides an overview of the debts of all related companies and the fulfillment of reporting obligations. Adds knowledge of how many claims a person has in affiliated companies and whether he or she is able to meet them or rather increases the debt burden.

  • Applicable tax and private debts
  • Income / Expenditure
  • Compliance with reporting obligations
  • Decisions and precepts
  • Observers (followers)
  • Real estate and mortgages
  • Debt balances and history graph
    • start and length in days
  • Turnover and taxes paid
    • estimated and taxed
  • Fulfillment of reporting obligations
    • tax returns and annual reports

Networks of business and beneficiaries are needed for large corporations to detect money laundering and corruption, as well as for small businesses to check whether the counterparty is who they claim to be or whether there are frontmen, indebted companies and / or mergers with non-profit networks.

Threads can be expanded to the desired number or to the last link. Companies and members of the management board have signs in traffic lights that indicate the business risks of companies and members of the management board.

More about credit score in the section: RELIABILITY RATINGS

Company relations include:

    • Relationships between companies and deciders
      • active and former connections
      • thread extension (remote links)
      • reduction of threads
      • activating one thread
      • relationship duration on axis
      • increasing / decreasing the network
      • asset volumes, turnover and debt levels
      • summary info-windows for companies and individuals
    • Network of business ownership down to the beneficiary (person)
    • Network of ownership of persons down to all participations (companies)
      • direction of benefits
      • Co-Beneficiaries
      • extension of threads (distant links between companies and their beneficiaries)
      • % and amounts of holdings
      • Net asset values of beneficiaries
      • increasing / decreasing the network
      • summary info-windows for companies and individuals

Monitoring events in companies show real-time events related to the entrepreneur over time. For example, when he/she left the company, started a new company, changed ownership, became indebted in the company, etc.

The event has a positive, negative or neutral tonality and is easily noticeable as a traffic light color and can also be filtered.

You can also subscribe to notifications about events directly to your email from Desktop Settings. Notifications can also be ordered based on the tonality of the event and / or at the desired interval, either daily, weekly or monthly.

See also the company's MONITORING EVENTS

The highly comprehensive summary report of the companies combines all the reports of a member of the Management Board into a comfortable view (employees, deciders, finances, liabilities, networks, monitoring). It is a good idea to print the summary report in pdf format, for example, or share the HTML document with colleagues to add it to the procedure for obtaining a customer's credit limit.

If you wish, you can also ask us for a direct link to the summary reports so that you can add it to any CRM, ERP, etc. web software so that you can open the summary report directly in your software. Or download the Storybook WEB web browser extension, which shows you payment and financial background information directly in the web software next to company names.


Through Storybook's solutions, it is now possible to get companies' credit scores and business risk classes into your own systems (web-based CRM, ERP, etc.) without a data interface, which significantly increases both financial and time savings in assessing credit sales risks.

Scientific credit score based on machine-learning model

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Credit score is known to be the only research-based credit management tool in Estonia that you can use in the business,- customer management- and accounting software you are used to working with.

Principles of the credit score model

The credit score model has been developed in cooperation with the Software Technology Development Center and data researchers of the University of Tartu in the course of 3 years of applied research.

The credit score model uses thousands of features and has been developed using machine learning methods that incorporate self-learning algorithms. These algorithms are able to detect hidden relationships and make predictions based on them.

The model predicts the possibility of corporate insolvency or forced liquidation with an accuracy of 99.5% over next 12 months.

Simply put, a credit score uses known information about companies that goes back up to 1.5 years and combines it with new data that may change on a daily basis (such as debt information and its pattern; board changes and patterns; reporting; tax payment and its pattern, etc.) .

The research article of the Credit Score was also published in the CAiSE publication of the prestigious International Scientific Conference.

Corporate credit score

The credit score calculates the credit risks of all Estonian companies daily on the basis of constantly changing data. However, traditional credit risk models are based on data that is updated on average once a year! Thus, traditional credit risk assessment models are unable to respond to changes in, for example, the middle of the year. However, the credit score processes all data sets related to the company on a daily basis, so it is able to react and inform the user about the risks immediately.

The usual background check is a time-consuming craft, from gathering information from various sources to processing and analyzing it. With Intelligent Credit Score, this work is done automatically and is conveniently available in real time right in the middle of business processes.

Guidelines for credit decisions

The scores calculated by the credit score model always range from 0.01 to 0.99, where 0.01 means low and 0.99 high credit risk. In order to simplify credit decisions and act faster, the score is divided into 5 business risk classes. Risk class-based guidelines help you make better decisions at the point of sale and after the due date if the invoice is outstanding.

Objective credit score

With the help of a credit score, companies can easily assess the credit risk of new customers and keep an eye on the solvency of their long-term customers. It helps to make quick and wise decisions - whether and on what terms to give credit to the customer. The assessment of each client is based on the same methodology, which is not influenced by subjective assessments.

Decider (entrepreneur) credit score

The credit score of a member of the Management Board is calculated by the arithmetic average of all related companies of the member of the Board - based on the real-time credit score of companies with valid links and the credit score of companies with invalid links at the time the member left the company.

For example, if the credit score of a former member of the management board is risky today, but it was reliable at the time of leaving the management board, then the effect of this risky company on the credit score of the member of the management board is positive.

Credit score plugin for the company's website

If you wish, use your Credit Score model on your company's website to show your company's reliability rating to all visitors.

A positive reliability rating gives a big competitive advantage, as 87% of consumers do not make an online purchase decision without being convinced of the company's reliability.

Credit score usage options

Credit scores occur across the web and in web-based applications in a wide variety of locations:

Background and financial capacity iinformation in each CRM and ERP

To save time and money, businesses are increasingly using the ability to access financial and background information directly into their sales or accounting software (CRM, ERP), saving valuable time for both salespeople and accountants.

Conventional data interfaces are cumbersome, expensive, and time consuming to develop. Storybook has developed a number of innovative solutions to make getting information to your web-based systems fast, convenient and hassle-free. The entrepreneur can choose the most suitable solution - either a simple but informative API data interface, a daily updated CSV data file, adding a direct link to a suitable location or a web browser extension instead.

API data interface

Through the API, you can conveniently get information about companies and board members directly into your software. The data is constantly updated, so you can keep up to date with the financial and credit performance of actual companies and board members

Krediidiriskide maandamine 

Teie töötajad kulutavad klientide krediidiväärilisuse hindamiseks aega andmete kogumisele, töötlemisele ja ikkagi võib juhtuda, et midagi jääb märkamatuks. Selle asmel kasutage KREDIIDISKOORI, krediidilimiiti jms, et ennetada krediidikahjusid kiirelt, tõhusalt ja vähese vaevaga.

Ajakohane kliendibaas

Uuendage ja täiendage oma kliendibaasi andmeid ja saate olla kindel, et Teie töötajad ei pea kulutama aega puudulike andmete täiendamisele, vaid selle asemel saavad keskenduda müügile.

Müügi ja turunduse tugi

Kasutage äriinfot, et saada uusi müügivihjeid või kasutage andmeid olemasolevate klientide segmenteerimiseks. Valikus on enam kui 80 riigi ettevõtted üle maailma.

Kaasaegsed e-kanalid

Siduge oma äriklient automaatselt tema ettevõtetega. Näiteks Teie äriklient saab ise valida, millise oma ettevõtte alt soovib ta lepingut sõlmida ning ei pea selleks eraldi lisatoiminguid tegema.

List of machine readable data: API documentation

CSV data file

The automatic CSV data file does the same job the API does. The desired data is added to the CSV file and is automatically sent to the agreed e-mail once a day, weekly or monthly. The customer has the opportunity to work with CSV independently or upload the data to their own accounting or sales management software.

Companies can be added (or removed) to the list (ie) of the CSV file either one by one from the "FOLLOW" button in the header of the company profile or by uploading all registry codes at once in the "MONITORING" module of the desktop.

Direct link to Summary Report

Add an additional data box to your systems near the company and / or board member, that takes you directly to the Storybook Summary Report. A convenient way to check additional information with just one click when needed.

Browser extension Storybook WEB

Storybook WEB works automatically in any web-based CRM and ERP. The extension recognizes the names of companies and board members, and hovering over the Storybook logo opens an information window with estimated turnover, credit score, free limit, and more. Clicking on the TABs of reports will take you to the desired report in Storybook.

See more: Storybook WEB.


Protect your business by securing cash flow with a complete "Lead to Cash" solution - an all-in-one service that minimizes credit losses and reduces credit management costs.

We provide full credit management services to corporate clients from sales to cash receipts - we perform automatic analysis of debt portfolios (customer bases) and daily monitoring. We send payment reminders (soft method) and negotiate intensive payment agreements with debtors (strict method). We enter into guarantees with sureties and collect debts by collection using the chain method.

Credit and debt management processes:

Debt portfolios

Detailed analysis of the entire customer base once a week (credit scores and limits, debts, finances, assets, scores of board members, recommendations for further activities, etc.)

Credit supervision

Those who have exceeded the payment deadline will be contacted by telephone on behalf of the Customer and / or a reminder letter will be sent, payment agreements will be concluded.

Debt management

Intensive negotiation of a payment agreement with a debtor or a payment schedule with a guarantee, report on the work done once a week.

Chain method

Payment agreements are entered into with the debtor as the creditor's own debtor directly for the benefit of the Customer.


Disclosure of debts in the Inforegister and Storybook, which is visited by about 600,000 visitors a month.

Debt collection

Lawsuits, expedited payment order proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings and other legal and notarial acts.

Security stamp

The invoices are protected by Kreedix. The stamp covers the entire chain of credit sales - from the invoice until the money is received.

Estonian Association of Creditors

Union membership and trustworthiness certificate - EVUL stands for the interests of all members both in Estonia and abroad.

Debt portfolio analysis and recommendations (automatic)

Do you manage your customer portfolio in the most efficient way? How much could your company benefit from better overview and analysis?

Storybook and Kreedix combine continuous monitoring with advisory and predictive analysis to show how to accelerate cash flow and improve the yields on their debt portfolio, including profit margins.

Customer base debt portfolio analysis

The purpose of the analysis is to monitor your customer portfolio on a weekly basis so that you can react in a timely (immediate) manner to adverse events (indebtedness, credit limit closure, change of company status (in liquidation), etc.) to avoid credit losses and unpleasant claims.

Data included in the debt portfolio of the customer base:

  • Company name, registry code
  • Date of establishment, status, address
  • Email, phone, websites
  • Sector, EMTAK (NACE), short description of the field
  • VAT, start and end dates
  • Link to Company Summary Report
  • National taxes - last quarter (€)
  • Labor taxes - last quarter (€)
  • Turnover - last quarter (€)
  • Estimated turnover - current year (€)
  • Number of employees - last quarter
  • Average estimated salary (€)
  • Link to Company finance report
  • Credit score, description of business risk class
  • Recommended credit policy
  • Recommended credit limit (€)
  • Annual report (year)
  • Tax debt (€) and start date
  • Debts to creditors (€)
  • Link to Company Credit report

Debt portfolio analysis allows you to get an unbiased assessment of your customers' actual financial condition and recommendations for further action - whether just reminding the customer that the invoice is overdue or is there a threat for bankruptcy, extinction, etc., which requires strict or excessive recovery measures to avoid potential credit losses.

Monitoring events

Customers with a debt portfolio analyse service has also automatically added client base in the monitoring list so that you receive timely email notifications about the most important real-time events.

Events included in the basic package:

  • Tax arrears (accrual, increase / decrease, payment)
  • Creditors' claims (formation, increase-decrease, payment)
  • Credit limits (decrease-increase, closure)
  • Absence-submission of annual reports and declarations
  • Validity of the powers of the Board start-end (namely + decider risk classes)
  • Commercial register notifications (liquidation, bankruptcy, deleted)
  • Official notices (payment orders, bailiffs, etc.)
  • Beginning and end of the VAT liability
  • Company name changes and mergers
  • Initiation and termination of bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings
  • Judgments (including court hearings)
  • On-line media coverage

Monitoring events on-line

You can view the events of companies and / or board members on the Desktop in the "MONITORING" module:

It is possible to add companies and individuals to the monitoring either one by one from the "FOLLOW" button in the header of the company profile or to upload all registry codes in the "MONITORING" module of the desktop with a CSV file.

Events can be filtered by year and event type or tonality. If desired, you can download a CSV file of events to process or filter the data.

Monitoring events to your e-mail

You can also subscribe to e-mail notifications about events from your desktop settings at any time of the day, week, or month.

The event is either positive, negative or neutral in tone, marked in easily visible traffic light colors. For example, if a new member of the board joins the company's board, whose credit score is risky and he has a problematic background, the background of the event is red - negative.

Stay up to date with changes in your customer portfolio and react on events that require a quick response.

Sanction - disclosure of debt information

In a situation where the debtor is fleeing or simply does not want to pay the debt or enter into a payment agreement, one of the strictest recovery measures before the pre-trial debt procedure is the disclosure of the debt information:


Debt information and a warning article are publicly available on three portals, which are visited by around 600,000 people each month. Inforegister | Storybook | Kreedix.


Debt information is also displayed anywhere on the web and mobile via the Storybook WEB extension and Storybook MINI mobile app.

Disclosure of debt claim

KREEDIX represents the client in disclosing debt information. The amount of the claim, the age of the claim and the member of the management board who was responsible at the time the debt was incurred shall be disclosed.

Public debt, a credit score that has become risky and the closure of a credit limit make it more difficult for a debtor to take on new obligations, which motivates him or her to enter into a payment agreement in order to restore his/her credibility.

NB! The public debt claim is deleted when the Debtor enters into a payment agreement or pays it off!

Publication of a warning article

Debts are raised on variety of reasons: accidental, forced, or intentional and malicious. It is malice that deserves to be warned that it is not worthwhile to enter into a business relationship with such an undertaking. The article informs the audience of the danger signs that they may lose their money when doing business with such a company.

Pretty scary when one day a message in the mailbox titled "Sob Story" pops up ?! It is precisely scary for those debtors who deliberately flee from the Creditors and ignore the contacts in every way. However, this surprise cannot be excessive, as the debtor has been warned in advance by both SMS and e-mail, there been several phone calls and call attempts to notify that in the event of non-payment of debts, the debt claim will be published in Storybook and Inforegistr in the same "Sob Story" article.

NB! The warning article is deleted when the Debtor enters into a payment agreement or pays off the debt!

Disclosure of a debt claim entails for the debtor:

  • Negative change in the business risk of the company's credit score (risky score)
  • Credit limit closing (no credit recommendation)
  • Change in the business risk of a member of the Board in a negative direction
  • Publication of a warning article in the Storybook and Inforegister ("Sob Story")
  • Debt Disclosure in Inforegister (Credit Report)
  • Debt Disclosure in Storybook (Liability Report)
  • Debt Disclosure in the Register of Payment Defaults
  • Debt Disclosure in monitoring and similar lists / files
  • Debt information display in the Storybook WEB extension and Storybook MINI mobile app

More than 85% of Kreedix's claims are in payment by debtors (the rest are either undercover agents or out-of-business persons). Even the most hopeless claims (overdue, bankrupt, debt claims against a lien) can be received through the influence of the public.

Are You the Creditor?

Are You the Debtor?


Credit management support services help prevent debtors' risk behavior throughout the credit sales chain.

The security stamp on invoices and documents informs customers that your invoices are protected and tha disciplines your customers to meet invoice / loan payment deadlines.

The membership and certificate of the Estonian Creditors' Association informs your cooperation partners that your background has been verified by the Association and you qualify as a reliable company. Union membership shows that you stand for a fair and transparent economy, which adds a sense of security that your finances are under control.

Security stamp for invoices and documents

A company that demonstrates the strength of its brand, adequately assesses the solvency of buyers and monitors both them and invoice receipts is respected and trusted by its partners.

The security stamp on the invoices or in the email footer shows the partners that they are supported by the Kreedix Group's security network. The appropriately designed stamp carries a strong message:

"I trust, but I control and manage my finances with a firm hand"

Throughout its 20-year history, KREEDIX has stood for the financials of many companies and supported them in credit management and debt management. Kreedix's experience clearly confirms that such a strong message and attitude builds respect for the company, attracts partners with similar values and keeps unreliable away.

The security stamp covers the entire credit sales chain

The recipient of the invoice already sees on the invoice what the issuer of the invoice is doing and how he ensures that he only sells credit to reliable companies, keeps track of receipts and, most importantly, confirms on an impartial basis that he/she can be trusted:

  •, he/she checks the background of its partners before the transaction and thus hedges the risks, he/she also publishes debt claims in the Inforegister and Storybook, if necessary.
  • he/she carries out additional checks with thorough reports and monitors its customers.
  • Credit management(KREEDIX) - behind him/her is KREEDIX OÜ, assists them in credit management and communication with debtors.
  • Security Certificate (EVUL) -their company is rated as a reliable partner by the Estonian Creditors' Union.

Every customer of Kreedix, Inforegister and Storybook, as well as an EVUL-certified company, has the right to stamp their invoices to indicate their strength and security.

Want to use a security stamp?

Membership and certificate of the Estonian Creditors' Association

EVUL (ECA) stands for the interests of all members both in Estonia and abroad. In Estonia, the association participates in legislative processes, collects opinions and proposals from members, analyzes information and submits proposals to amend legislation on behalf of the association. EVUL also participates in and represents its members in the work of international organizations outside Estonia.

By joining the Estonian Creditors' Association (EVUL), you will have the opportunity to make the business environment better, more transparent and more ethical. Participate in discussions and round tables, the output of which is the submission of proposals to the ministries to change the business environment.

Benefits of EVUL membership

  • Protection of union members! Creditor protection.
  • Together we will improve the Estonian business environment by changing legislation.
  • Opportunity to contribute to business development projects.
  • Make the company visible in the Union's activities by actively participating.
  • Access to useful inside information.
  • Best priced services for members.
  • We organize trainings based on the wishes of the members.
  • Opportunity to communicate with members for business and leisure purposes (roundtable meetings).
  • Opportunity to act together for the interests of all creditors!

The aim of EVUL is not to tilt the business environment towards one or the other interest group, but to make the environment more transparent and to make it more difficult to cause (bad) intentional insolvency. Undoubtedly, any change will affect all businesses in the same way, regardless of their compliance with the law. It is therefore important to strike a reasonable balance between the new obligations and the benefits to be derived from them.

EVUL certificate

EVUL membership and certification inform your partners that your background is verified by the Union and you qualify as a reliable company.

See a sample certificate HERE.

In addition to the certificate, you can add an interactive model of your company's Credit Score to your website. See more HERE.


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14-day free trial. Full access. I'm watching.

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Scorestorybook Chrome extension

The Storybook extension tells you which company's website you are currently on and how reliable that company is today. download extension

See the background of the caller! Storybook App brings you direct contacts for 400,000 Estonian companies and individuals (managers, officials). The data is enriched with solvency and financial information.