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Our company story
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Company Story
Welcome to the world of KIVISILLA OÜ, where we believe that every garden tells a story. Our journey began with a vision to create outdoor spaces that not only resonate with beauty but also stand the test of time. We are not just about planting shrubs and laying stones; we are about crafting experiences and preserving memories.
Our mission is simple yet profound: We offer comprehensive services from design to maintenance, ensuring each garden is unique and manageable.
This mission drives us to deliver excellence in all aspects of garden and landscape design. From the initial blueprint to the final bloom, every step is a careful orchestration of art and nature.
Our services begin with design, where imagination meets the soil. We tailor each project to reflect the individuality of the owner while harmonizing with the surrounding environment. Our experts consider every aspect, from soil type to sunlight, ensuring that your garden is not only a feast for the eyes but also a sanctuary for the soul.
When it comes to construction, we build more than just gardens; we build ecosystems. Our meticulous construction process ensures that every element, be it a quaint stone pathway or a robust retaining wall, is placed with precision and purpose.
Our commitment to heritage conservation means that we don't just look forward; we also look back. We integrate the timeless beauty of the past into modern landscapes, creating spaces that are both nostalgic and novel.
Maintenance is the thread that weaves through the lifecycle of a garden. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that your green space remains as vibrant and healthy as the day it was planted.
And for those who wish to bring the tranquility of nature indoors, our internal landscaping services offer a breath of fresh air. We select plants that not only enhance the aesthetic of your space but also contribute to a healthier, stress-free environment.
At KIVISILLA OÜ, we are more than a company; we are a family of passionate designers, builders, and caretakers who believe in creating legacies. With every project, we strive to embody our slogan, Cultivating Harmony, Designing Legacy!
Join us in this journey, and let's create a garden that not only stands the test of time but also tells your unique story.
Company customer opinions
KIVISILLA OÜ muutis mu tagahoovi unistuste oaasiks! Nende tähelepanelik disain ja pühendunud hooldus on mu aeda täielikult muutnud. Olen äärmiselt rahul!
Suurepärane kogemus! Nende meeskond oli professionaalne ja loov ning suutis luua täpselt sellise aia, mida olin alati tahtnud.
Ainult kiidusõnad sellele ettevõttele! Nad suutsid muuta meie tagahoovi tõeliseks paradiisiks. Soovitan neid kõigile, kes otsivad professionaalset aiaabi.
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