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RAIKKÜLA FARMER OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 5,285 peopleand his is followed by 29 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 3.0 points.and commented 1 time.
's activity report 2022
OÜ Raikküla Farmer is the parent company of the group, which includes five subsidiaries: 1. OÜ Valgu Farmer reg.nr. 10165720 2. OÜ Järvakandi Farmer reg.nr. 10642751 3. OÜ Allika Farmer reg.nr. 11323108 4. OÜ Raikküla Masinakeskus reg.nr. 11825844 5. OÜ Farmeri Ehitus reg.nr. 11968785
OÜ Raikküla Farmer owns 100% of all subsidiaries.
The goal of all subsidiaries is: 1. to bring management on-site, closer to actual production; 2. to better organize the accounting of revenues and expenses in the given production sector; 3. to develop principles for the distribution of additional income earned by subsidiaries between the subsidiary and the parent company, thus ensuring the increase in the economic efficiency of the entire group.
The task for the next financial year is to increase milk sales to 7700 tons. The goal is to manage as efficiently as possible, increase the main herd and feed production. Improve the quality of feeds and increase the sale of breeding animals.
Increasing the volume of milk production is still promising.
Agricultural business is still seasonal due to natural conditions. Milk production allows to minimize this seasonality.
It is difficult to predict the cyclicality of the economy. In addition to milk sales, increasing the sale of crop products helps to minimize its effects. We have intensified the cultivation of grasslands and increased cereal growing areas. We intend to continue in this direction.
In the fall of 2022, Raikküla Farmer OÜ sold grain for 791 716 euros and was able to sow 549 ha of winter wheat and 257 ha of winter oats.
The use of sex-selected sperm for cattle insemination has been successfully launched.
Effective use of sex-selected sperm requires the presence of a well-functioning veterinary service.
The environmental impacts associated with our production activities are under constant control (Environmental complex permit L.KKL.RA-165129). No prescriptions have been made by the Environmental Inspectorate.
OÜ Raikküla Farmer financial ratios 31.12.2022 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
General solvency 1.27 0.92 0.46 (current assets/short-term liabilities)
General debt ratio % 44.08 46.2 46.3 (liabilities/assets)
Return on assets % 5.48 1.22 1.77 (net profit/assets*100)
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