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We specialize in heritage conservation, providing thorough audits and research for construction works.

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Company Story

At the heart of every civilization lies its history, etched into the very fabric of its architecture. INRESTAURAATOR PROJEKT OÜ stands as a guardian of this history, with a mission deeply rooted in the preservation of our architectural heritage. Our journey, though untethered to a specific start date, is timeless—much like the structures we vow to protect.

With a steadfast commitment to heritage conservation, we offer a suite of specialized services designed to ensure the integrity and longevity of historical edifices. Our expertise extends to meticulous audits of construction works and comprehensive construction research, ensuring that every restoration and conservation project we undertake is grounded in thorough understanding and respect for the original craftsmanship.

Our team of dedicated architects and experts in restoration design are not just professionals; they are custodians of the past, working tirelessly to weave the legacy of yesteryears into the tapestry of tomorrow. We believe in a future where modern functionality seamlessly blends with historical aesthetics, and our architecture and design solutions reflect this harmonious fusion.

Embracing our slogan, "Preserving History, Designing the Future!", we invite you to join us in this noble endeavor. Whether you are looking to restore a landmark or ensure the structural integrity of a historical site, INRESTAURAATOR PROJEKT OÜ is your partner in bridging the gap between the past and the future, one stone at a time.

Discover the difference that dedication to heritage can make. Explore our services and let us help you preserve the narrative of history through our expert conservation and restoration work. Together, we can honor the legacy of our ancestors while laying the foundations for generations to come.


Mida kliendid arvavad?

Ettevõtte klientide arvamused

- Anne

Arhitektide töö ja restaureerimisalane projektijuhtimine oli suurepärane.

- Marta

Oleme väga rahul Teie ekspertide meeskonnaga.

- Liina

Tänud professionaalse lähenemise eest.

Ensuring integrity in construction: our audit process

Integrity in construction is the cornerstone of building structures that not only stand the test of time but also preserve the cultural heritage they represent. It encompasses a commitment to quality, adherence to ethical practices, and a dedication to delivering projects that meet the highest standards of craftsmanship and historical accuracy. For government bodies, historical societies, property developers, and private owners of heritage properties, integrity in construction is not just a preference; it is a necessity. It ensures the longevity of structures, maintains the authenticity of


kõik artiklid

The role of architects in historical restoration

Historical restoration is a meticulous process that involves the careful preservation and rehabilitation of heritage buildings and sites. It aims to maintain th
Historical restoration is a meticulous process that involves the careful preservation and rehabilitation of heritage buildings and sites. It aims to maintain the architectural integrity of structures that hold significant cultural, historical, or architectural value. This practice not only honors the past but also enriches the present and future cultural landscape. Preserving historical architecture is crucial for maintaining the cultural identity of a region, educating future generations, and contributing to the local economy through tourism. Heritage buildings serve as tangible links to the

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