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Business media page visits - 6693; followers - 73. Reviews - 1; Articles 3+ "Write an opinion on PRYSMIAN GROUP BALTICS!"

PRYSMIAN GROUP BALTICS AS's activity report 2022

Prysmian Group Baltics AS manufactures and sells electrical and telecommunications cables and relevant accessories. The company is part of the world's largest cable manufacturing group, Prysmian Group, and is 100% owned by Prysmian Group Finland OY. The company's factory and headquarters are located in Estonia. The factory specializes in the production of power and installation cables. In addition, products of Prysmian Group brands such as Prysmian, Draka, General Cables, etc. are marketed. Prysmian Group Baltics AS is part of the Prysmian Group, whose headquarters are located in Milan,

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