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This company's branding has already reached 12,088 peopleand his is followed by 99 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 5.0 points.but there is no comment.
's activity report 2022
The main activity of AS Decora is the retail and wholesale of building materials and garden goods. The company was established in 1993 and is based on 100% Estonian private capital. Under the Decora brand, there are 7 stores located
in Tartu, Pärnu, Viljandi, Võru, Jõgeva, Põltsamaa and Tallinn, in addition to an online store.
The company's sales growth was influenced by an increased customer base, increased demand for building materials and garden products following coronavirus restrictions, inflation, and temporary panic due to the war in Ukraine over a possible deficit of goods. The company's business is not seasonal and economic activity is not cyclical. The company's economic activities do not have significant environmental and social impacts.
In 2022, the company was affected by the war in Ukraine, soaring energy prices, and increasing uncertainty in the markets. In the conditions of high inflation, we noticed a general decline in people's purchasing power from the fourth quarter. As a result, we changed several supply channels, looked for savings opportunities, invested in the introduction of more energy-efficient equipment, and streamlined work processes.
During the reporting period, fixed assets were acquired for 446,130 euros.
In addition, we contributed to helping Ukraine by donating 2 thermal cameras there.
The company's turnover for 2022 was 82.1 million euros, growing by 23.64% over the year.
The profit for the reporting year was 2,685,144 euros.
A large part of the company's 2022 turnover was made up of sales to local markets, with export volume being 382,600 euros.
During the reporting year, goods were purchased for sale for 65 million euros, of which imports accounted for 8.2 million euros.
There were no significant research and development activities. Since the company has no loan obligations and settlements are made in euros, there are no interest rate and currency risks.
The company's main financial ratios: 2022 2021
Turnover growth % 23.64 13.82
Net profitability% 3.27 3.02
Short-term obligations coverage ratio 2.0 1.79
Formulas used to find the financial indicators presented in the activity report:
Revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022-sales revenue 2021)/sales revenue 2021*100
Net profitability (%)= net profit/sales revenue*100
Short-term debt coverage ratio (times) = current assets /short-term obligations
The company's board consists of 2 members and 3 council members.
The activity in 2023 is aimed at development. We are opening a new store in Tartu and preparing for the construction of a new
store in Põltsamaa. In addition, we are looking for opportunities to expand. As the situation in the world is uncertain and rapidly evolving, we do not consider it possible to give realistic quantitative assessments. The company's management estimates that AS Decora will continue to operate over the next 12 months.
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