Rohkema info nägemiseks:

Henrik Henk

Ettevõtete ärimeedia ja uudisvoog
cars and car supplies, car sales - passenger cars, car representations, Off-road cars, Repair, maintenance and related services of vehicles and related equipment, Minibuses, Motor vehicles for the carriage of goods, Passenger cars, Motor vehicles, Four-wheel drive vehicles

ELKE MUSTAMÄE AS's activity report 2022

Introduction Elke Mustamäe AS was established in November 1990 as a car maintenance and repair company. Elke Mustamäe AS became a Toyota dealer in September 1993. The main activities are the sale of Toyota passenger cars, after-sales service, sale of used cars, sale of spare parts and accessories. Elke Mustamäe AS is a company belonging to the ELKE Group. The companies belonging to the group manage a total of ten Toyota or Lexus dealerships in Estonia and Lithuania. In 2022, car sales in Estonia decreased by 8% compared to 2021. Elke Mustamäe AS new car sales increased by 6 cars in 2022.

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