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VMT EHITUS AS hetkeolukord

Juba 5,071 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 57 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.9 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 3 korda.

's activity report 2022

General overview of the economic activity sector in 2022 was influenced by the sharp increase in energy and construction material prices at the beginning of the year. The construction market cooled down in 2022 and according to Statistics Estonia, the total volume of construction decreased by 1.0% compared to the previous year, which was significantly less than expected. The rapid increase in input prices that affected the 2022 construction market made the construction market more cautious and new projects are approached more conservatively. In the local construction market, 9% more structures (roads, bridges, pipelines, etc.) and 6% fewer buildings were built compared to 2021. It is believed that as demand in the construction market has fallen, construction prices will also start to fall, but at the moment there is no significant decrease in construction prices, as inflation is still high. In order for the construction market to revive and demand to grow, the economy must reach a state where the real income of the population exceeds inflation and the increase in Euribor caused by the increase in loans.

General information

AS VMT Ehitus is a private capital-based business entity established in Estonia in 1997. The main activity of the company is the execution of construction works by the main contracting method in Estonia and the installation of steel structures in Finland. Architectural and construction design also continued. The subsidiary VMT Stahl AB, aimed at the Swedish market, continued its operations and concluded its first significant contracts.

AS VMT Ehitus is a member of the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs.

The company has been awarded international quality, environmental protection and occupational safety certificates

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

The main goal is to maximize customer satisfaction and provide comprehensive service through environmentally friendly construction activities and the use of modern construction technology. We value quality and professionalism, promote employee development and continuously update the professional knowledge and skills of team members.

As a reliable cooperation partner, we keep our promises. We operate openly and transparently and follow good practices and rules in the construction sector.

Construction activity is seasonal, there are fewer orders in the first quarter of the year. There are no significant

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