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special profiles, Transitions, Round steel, cold work steels, heat work steel, fast cutting steels, plastic mould steel, other product groups, newest vacuum technology, cement gluing


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STÉN & CO OÜ hetkeolukord

Juba 12,438 inimeseni on jõudnud selle ettevõtte bränding ja tema tegevusi jälgib 43 Storybooki kasutajat. Keskmiselt on ettevõtet hinnatud 4.8 punktiga ja kommenteeritud 24 korda.

's activity report 2022

Stén & Co OÜ is a leading company specializing in the wholesale of special and tool steels, stainless steels, and fittings. The company has established a strong presence in the market, with a consistent year-round operation that is not seasonal. The company's business activities do not have significant environmental and social impacts, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable business practices. During the fiscal year 2021/2022, Stén & Co OÜ reported a sales revenue of €4,426,398 and a net profit of €2,187,723. This impressive financial performance is a testament to the company's robust business model and effective management strategies. The company leases warehouse and office spaces for its stainless steel operations from the State Resources Center. In addition to this, Stén & Co OÜ also purchases other services from them, including internet, telephone, general surveillance, and cleaning services. This strategic partnership allows the company to focus on its core business operations while ensuring the smooth running of its day-to-day activities. However, the company's trading activities have been affected by the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. As a result, Stén & Co OÜ has ceased cooperation with companies selling to the Russian Federation. Currently, it is also not possible to purchase steel from Ukraine due to the ongoing conflict. In the fiscal year 2021/2022, the company's largest clients were Norma AS, APL Production, and Estanc. This diverse client base underscores the company's ability to cater to a wide range of customer needs and preferences. Stén & Co OÜ sold the Bonava Rabaküla 16 property to another company. At the same time, it acquired a property in the Ringtee business park in Vaela village, Harju County, for the construction of a new warehouse and office building. The company has signed a contract with Bauest Construction for the design of the new building, and the preliminary project approval is currently underway. However, due to the war, the prices of construction materials have significantly increased. As a result, the company has decided to wait until the prices stabilize before starting the construction of the new building. In the upcoming fiscal year, Stén & Co OÜ plans to expand its product range to include the sale of black metal and aluminum products. However, there are no major expansion plans at the moment as the existing spaces cannot accommodate more goods. The company also does not plan to recruit new employees or make significant investments. The company's financial ratios for the years 2022/2021 and 2021/2020 show a growth in turnover of 22.7% and 40.4% respectively. The profit growth was 840.2%, a significant increase from the previous year's decline of -7741.5%. The net profitability was 49.4%, and the short-term obligations coverage ratio was 8.6. The Return on Assets (ROA) was 58.5%, and the Return on Equity (ROE) was 75.4%. These figures reflect the company's strong financial health and its ability to generate substantial returns on its assets and equity. In conclusion, Stén & Co OÜ has demonstrated strong financial performance and strategic business operations. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing war, the company continues to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing business environment.

STÉN & CO OÜ kontaktid

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- Mart K.

Töö oli tehtud kiiresti ja professionaalselt. Kindlasti soovitan teie teenuseid teistele!

- Kristjan H.

Minu kogemused teie ettevõttega on olnud väga positiivsed, eriti kuumatööteraste osas.

- Marek O.

Teie pakutavad kiirlõike terased on ületanud minu ootused. Täpsus, millega need terased on valmistatud, on muljetavaldav.


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