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's activity report 2022
OÜ Regalia Kaubandus started its operations in 1998.
The main area of activity is the retail sale of alcohol in specialized stores, EMTAK 2008 code 47251. The planned main activity continued during the reporting period.
The financial year of the company lasts from 01.01. to 31.12.
The net turnover of OÜ Regalia Kaubandus for the reporting period was 9,008,899 euros (+6.8% compared to 2021). The economic activity ended with a profit of 105,815 euros in the reporting year.
The company's equity capital amounted to 44,024 euros at the end of the reporting year.
No tangible fixed assets were acquired during the reporting year.
The owner is also the chairman of the board.
In the conditions of sharp competition, the main indicator of the company's effective activity is its asset turnover.
In 2023, an increase in the volume of net realization is planned.
No investments are planned for the next financial year.
The economic unit is still operating.
The war in Ukraine that started in February 2022 did not have a significant negative impact on the company's economic activity at the time of preparing the report.
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