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RANTELON OÜ hetkeolukord

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's activity report 2022

Rantelon OÜ was established in 1995 for the design and production of radio frequency electronic devices and is based on Estonian private capital.

Rantelon OÜ is a creator and manufacturer of electronic systems. The company's focus is on solutions combining electronics, software, mechanics, and radio and microwave technology. Over its 28 years of operation, Rantelon has grown into an innovative company with nearly 50 employees, whose work quality and technological level have won the trust of clients in the civil, security and industrial sectors.

The core value of Rantelon OÜ is quick response to demand, reliable and modern technical solutions. For this, the company has efficient design and prototyping tools and a fast assembly process.

We offer our developed products and are able to respond quickly and flexibly to customer wishes and changes in market demand. Our main products are radio frequency and special purpose electronic devices. In addition, we offer several services that make up a significant part of the company's business volume. Rantelon OÜ offers the customer the development, production and lifecycle services of electronic devices.

In 2019, Rantelon opened its new development center and factory in Tallinn. Modern production facilities have allowed the company to expand and continue rapid growth in the following years.

In 2022, the company continued to invest in new production technologies, which also supported the company's growth.

In 2022, the company started to compile a digitization roadmap to analyze the current situation and take the next step towards productivity and efficiency growth. Based on the roadmap completed at the beginning of 2023, new investments have already been started in 2022, the first of which is the replacement of the existing SMT production line during 2022-2023 and the implementation of new digital production and planning solutions.

The need for radio frequency devices in the global market is still a continuing trend. Green policies also support the wider adoption of software solutions, which require the development and production of suitable hardware and offer new business opportunities for technology companies operating in the market.

In 2022, Rantelon's order volumes grew in both B2B and B2G markets. Due to the war in Ukraine, Rantelon's drone detection system sales in 2022 exceeded all previous years' sales for this product and this remains high in 2023 as well. The war has also triggered several new development projects that will reach the market in 2023.

In 2022, the share of exports in total turnover was 96.60%.

Previous years' statistics have shown a certain increase in demand for special products in the autumn period, especially at the end of the year. The fulfillment of orders placed at the end of the year continues in the first months of the new year. This has also necessitated an increase in raw material stocks at the end of the year.

Due to the high demand for several electronic components in the global market, delivery times for components have recently significantly increased, which in turn has necessitated an increase in stock levels.

The large increase in the price of production inputs has also increased the need to grow component and raw material stocks to ensure greater end price stability for the customer.

In 2021, Rantelon started cooperation with the EU project "Passive Acquisition by Digital Convergence - PADIC", which lasts from 01.12.2021 to 30.11.2024

There are no significant environmental and social impacts associated with our economic activities.

The goal for 2023 is to maintain the share of exports. Make additional investments in fixed assets in the form of modern equipment. Expand the product portfolio with new and additional devices and services. The plan is to modernize the company's business organization, using new technological

IT solutions.

In 2023, there are plans to resume development activities in the field of space communication systems. A plan has been set to increase work efficiency in all sectors of the company.

In 2022, OÜ Rantelon's turnover was 10,229,495 euros. The profit for 2022 was 2,778,837 euros.

In 2022, the average number of employees at Rantelon OÜ was 47 employees and the wage cost was 1,113,356 euros.

No remuneration was paid to the members of the board for their participation in the work of the board.

Main financial ratios and their calculation methodology:

Turnover growth/ decline (%) =(sales revenue 2022-sales revenue 2021)/ sales revenue 2021*100 =132.26% (2021: 10.41%)

Profit growth/ decline (%) = (net profit 2022- net profit 2021)/net profit 2021*100 = 196.06% (2021: 5.62%)

RANTELON OÜ kontaktid


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