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's activity report 2022

The Viking Line Group is engaged in international passenger and cargo transportation in the Baltic Sea (on the Finland-Sweden,

Finland-Estonia routes). OÜ Viking Line Estonia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Viking Line Abp parent company based in Mariehamn, Finland.

OÜ Viking Line Estonia provides travel and passenger and cargo transportation services to the parent company. The service includes booking and marketing of ferry tickets and travel-related services for the Viking Line Group's ships operating between Finland, Åland,

Sweden and Estonia, registration of ferry tickets (check-in) at the Port of Tallinn, as well as booking, registration and sale of cargo transportation.

On March 1, the parent company's new passenger ship Viking Glory replaced the older passenger ship Amorella on the Turku, Åland and Stockholm route. The ship was well received in the passenger market and set a completely new standard for service between Finland and Sweden with its large capacity and customer service quality

The passenger ship Amorella continued to serve the Helsinki-Stockholm ferry route until mid-September, after which it was sold to new owners in the Mediterranean. At the end of February, Russia started

aggression war with Ukraine, this event has no significant impact on the financial results of OÜ Viking Line Estonia.

The above events have not affected the number of employees of OÜ Viking Line Estonia.

The past fiscal year was the twenty-third year of operation for OÜ Viking Line Estonia. The sales revenue for the fiscal year amounted to 11,388,290 (2021: 9,221,942) euros and ended with a profit of 372,914 (2021: 583,431) euros.

During the reporting period, the company employed an average of 38 (2021: 41) employees, adjusted for full-time. The total wage cost for the 2022 fiscal year amounted to 896,978 (2021: 906,604).

The company's board is composed of one member. The fees calculated for the board members during the reporting year are reflected in Appendix 12.

Main ratios 2022 2021

Sales revenue (thousand euros) 11,388 9,222

Revenue growth 23% -22%

Net profit (thousand euros) 373 583

Profit growth -36% 49%

Net profitability 3% 6%

Short-term obligations coverage ratio 12.2 13.0

ROA 9% 15%

ROE 10% 17%

Formulas used in the calculation of ratios:

Revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022-sales revenue 2021) / sales revenue 2021* 100

Profit growth (%) = (net profit 2022-net profit 2021) / net profit 2021* 100

Net profitability (%) = net profit / sales revenue * 100

Short-term obligations coverage ratio (times) = current assets / short-term obligations

ROA (%) = net profit / total assets * 100

ROE (%) = net profit / equity * 100

Despite the increase in the number of passengers and cargo units on the Tallinn-Helsinki ferry route in the first quarter of 2023, no changes in the number of employees or work organization are planned.


Cooperation partners

The company's biggest cooperation partners

EE- Estonia


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