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BALTIC BARK OÜ current status
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AUTOREVOL OÜ's activity report 2022
Autorevol OÜ, a company based in Estonia, specializes in the production of pine bark mulch, a popular landscaping material. While the company's primary focus is on pine bark mulch, it also produces and packages deciduous and coniferous wood chips on a smaller scale. In 2022, the company sold its products both in bulk and in packaged form. The packaging was done in 70-liter small packages, as well as in larger 1.8 m3 and 3.5 m3 packages, catering to the needs of different customer segments. The year 2022 was a typical year for Autorevol OÜ in terms of operations. However, when compared to the previous year, 2021, there was a decrease in the sales volume of the company's products by 13%. Interestingly, despite this decrease in sales volume, the company's turnover increased by 8%. This could be attributed to a variety of factors, including possible price increases or a shift in the product mix sold. In 2020, Autorevol OÜ submitted an application to the PRIA Leader measure, a funding program aimed at diversifying production and introducing new technology. With the support of this measure, the company was able to acquire a compost soil spreader in the spring of 2022, at a cost of 31,780 euros. This investment in new technology is a clear indication of the company's commitment to innovation and efficiency in its operations. The year 2022 presented some challenges for Autorevol OÜ, primarily due to constant changes in input prices. All energy-related expenses, including transportation, electricity, and raw materials, became more expensive. As a result, the price of mulch raw material also increased towards the end of 2022. This price increase could potentially impact the company's sales volume in 2023. However, the company's small size provides it with the flexibility to adapt to these changing circumstances. In 2022, the Euribor rate, which affects the interest on loans, increased. However, since Autorevol OÜ has a very small loan burden, the impact of this increase on its business operations was minimal. Nevertheless, this development might necessitate the postponement of some planned investments. In conclusion, despite facing some challenges in 2022, Autorevol OÜ demonstrated resilience and adaptability. The company's commitment to innovation and efficiency, as well as its ability to adapt to changing market conditions, bodes well for its future.
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