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Activity history
Company management, team and contacts
EESTI MAAVARA OÜ current status
This company's branding has already reached 63,029 peopleand his is followed by 29 Storybook users.On average, the company has been rated 4.3 points.and commented 23 times.
Activity report 2023: not submitted
The company has not submitted an annual report, where the activity reports can be read. Each company's situation is unique, but the most common reasons for not submitting an activity report can be a worsening of the market situation, a drop in customer demand, financial difficulties, etc.
Company customer opinions
Nende professionaalne meeskond aitas mul müüa minu metsamaa ja raieõigused mõistliku hinnaga ning andis mulle väärtuslikku nõu metsa jätkusuutliku majandamise kohta.
Nad aitasid mul osta maad teravilja- ja loomakasvatuslikuks otstarbeks ning nende eksperditeadmised olid hindamatud.
Mul on olnud hea meel koostööd teha Eesti Maavara OÜ-ga. Nende professionaalne ja sõbralik meeskond on aidanud mul metsamajanduskava koostamisel ning nad on alati olnud kättesaadavad nõu andmiseks.
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