Activity history
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QUANTUM EESTI AS current status
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's activity report 2022
The main activity of Quantum Eesti AS is the sale, maintenance, technical support and sale of various laboratory equipment.
In 2022, Quantum Eesti AS continued its traditional business and secured the market share achieved in previous years. In 2022, several international and local tenders were announced, in which
Quantum Eesti AS also participated.
The average number of employees of Quantum Eesti AS in the financial year was 18 employees.
In 2022, the company's labor costs amounted to 852 697 (in 2021, 752 346) euros.
Goals for the next financial year
The main goal of Quantum Eesti AS for the 2023 financial year is to service existing contracts in laboratories and successful participation in tenders.
Financial indicators (2022-2021) 2022 2021
Income statement
Sales revenue 9 607 107 8 259 969
Gross profit 2 487 979 2 421 738
Operating profit 1 178 012 1 560 153
Net profit 978 144 1 4350302
Total current assets 4 302 393 4 000 743
Total fixed assets 1 286 541 1 232 198
Total assets 5 588 934 5 232 941
Short-term liabilities 952 778 774 928
Equity 4636 156 4 458 013
Equity ratio (%) 82% 85%
Sales revenue growth 16% 12%
Gross profit margin % 25% 29%
Net profitability 10% 17%
Short-term liabilities coverage ratio 4.5 5.2
ROA 18% 27%
ROE 21% 32% q Equity ratio = Equity / Total assets *100% q Sales revenue growth (%) = (sales revenue 2022(2021) - sales revenue 2021 (2020)/ sales revenue 2021(2020) * 100% q Gross profit margin (%) = gross profit/sales revenue * 100 q Net profitability (%) = net profit/ sales revenue * 100 q Short-term liabilities coverage ratio (times) = current assets/short-term liabilities q ROA (%) = net profit/ total assets * 100
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